Search results

  1. E

    Anyone from MA

    Hi I live in Georgetown, MA which is on the north shore of Boston.:-)
  2. E

    Protein Pancakes

    Hi Charlotte - I think I'll give this one a try - Pancakes, protein and blueberries - what's not to love? I'm also trying to step up the protein - a constant battle because I'm a veg. Thanks! Emilyb
  3. E

    Where did you go for you honeymoon?

    My DH and I married on New Year's Eve 1998, but waited 4 months to take our honeymoon to Costa Rica. We stayed at a wonderful resort but had the most fun wandering "off the reservation" and down the beach. Costa Rica is so beautiful with iguanas and parrots everywhere, and the people made us...
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    Gut Sucking, continued..haha

    I have been remembering on and off to suck in my gut all weekend. It's doing wonders for my posture! I was really surprised at how much I tend to relax my gut and slouch when I am not thinking about it. In addition to sucking in my gut, I've been checking my posture everytime I walk past a...
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    How did you find out about Cathe?

    I saw Cathe on Fittv. At first I thought she was a sadist - because she was always smiling and laughing while I was dying. I could barely get through the warm ups at first, but I kept coming back every day and gradually improved. I started bidding on tapes and dvds on ebay and then ordered the...
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    I'm so nervous

    Good Luck! - Just keep thinking about how great your going to feel afterwards...:-)
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    i want to know which state has the most catheites!

    Massachusetts - Go Pats! Go Sox! Go Celt..errr nevermind.:D
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    Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

    They are totally addictive - once you start cleaning with them you just won't stop. Hadn't thought to try it on the bathtub ring, but now I can't wait to make it magically disappear! }(
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    I PASSED!!!

    Congratulations on a wonderful accomplishment. Best wishes for your job search!:-) Emilyb
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    It's really nice to know that I am not the only one who is going through these weird changes. I'm 42 and my body started growing a spare tire on my 40th birthday. Eating very small frequent meals and exercising regularly seems to have stabilzed my weight - but certainly hasn't caused the...
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    I'm really proud...

    What a great accomplishment! Bet DD takes one look and never wants to leave... Congratulations!
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    Is this a risky career move?

    Hi There - Are you seriously considering the new job offer? It doesn't sound like you really want to take the new job if you have a chance to stay at your new company with just a little more money. If you tell your current employer about the new offer, you should be prepared to walk away...
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    New England Hiking Trip

    It would be really great to push it out until after the road trip if possible. Saturdays are better than Sundays for me, but I'm flexible. I hiked up Monadnock a few years ago - and it was a lot of fun. emilyb
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    What's the Best Approach to Working Out After Being Sick

    Thank you for your responses! I am really looking forward to being able to work out again sometime soon - starting with a little cardio! Feel better soon everyone! emilyb
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    What's the Best Approach to Working Out After Being Sick

    Hello- I'm pretty new and have been keeping up a six day a week schedule working out mostly with Cathe and supplementing with a treadmill for cardio for the last six months. The Friday before last I came down with what I thought was a cold - I felt good enought to do a workout on...
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    Are regular pushups bad for your uterus?

    I'm pretty sure I will not be able to push ups for a while without doing a face plant from laughing. Emilyb
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    How much do you TIP your Hairdresser?

    I think I can help answer this one - as my DH is my hairdresser and owns his own shop. The rule is - it's always ok to tip your hairdresser - even if they are the owner - and always appreciated! Emily
  18. E

    MA/NH area Cathe Fans?

    I'm all for a get together...Cathe and you ladies are all a great inspiration to me. I have been on a mission to get in shape as a way of managing fibromyalgia. When I first started exercising to Cathe in October on Fittv I couldn't do a push up, nevermind drop sets. I started collecting...
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    MA/NH area Cathe Fans?

    Hi Christine and all - I live in Georgetown, MA I'm new to the site, and this is my first post! Emily