I'm really proud...


So, here's the deal. My DD's grandpa made some cabinets for me to put in her room. They're built-in kind of cabinets to go underneath her window, one on either side, with a big long desktop that goes from one wall to the other. I gave him all the measurements and we shopped for the wood, etc. together.

He finished them last week and I picked them up and brought them home.

Today I installed them - all by MYSELF!!! And they even fit and look really amazing! I had to cut the baseboard out so they would fit flush against the wall, then put in the cabinets. The desktop part was in three pieces (because it was so long) and I installed all three beautifully and put the finishing trim pieces on the front. ALONE - no help at all. I'm incredibly proud that I was able to do this:) Now I just have to fill the nail holes and paint the unit.

Sorry this is long but I had to share with people who would understand! Thanks for listening!
Wow! I proud of you too. I wish I could do something like that. Now you have to take pics so we can really appreciate & admire.

Luna - that hampster is quite disturbing indeed.

Well, the holes are all filled, and I've primed the parts that I could (all except the top, where the screw holes are).

I'll definitely take pics when it's done. It's my sinister plot to make my DD's room so incredibly enticing that she won't want to go to her Dad's:eek:
What a cool accomplishment!! Your story made me thought of that new do-it-yourself show Toolbelt Diva! :p Rock on! I bet your DD is really tickled with her new digs! ;)

Great job!!

Connie :D
Connie - she hasn't seen it yet! She's with her Dad this week and I won't see her until Friday. I'm hoping to get the majority of it done by then and have her room all rearranged.
Nice job Shelley:) I used to detest tool time, pi$$ing and moaning through it then feeling so capable and proud when the job was done. I occasionally gripe (just a bit;-) ) about tool time but have definitely become more adept. As you well know, it ain't easy and that sounds like a big job, you do right to be proud!!! I think it's awesome when our strength, balance and endurance from working out translates into the ability to do things like you've done with greater ease. Your daughter will be thrilled with her room and you're setting a fabulous example for her!:)

Take Care
Good job. I am sure you are very proud as you should be. This is a great accomplishment. I love the feeling of doing something myself and it turns out well. And that you can have the knowledge to fit it in with the baseboard and put in the trim pieces! I think that is a really great accomplishment. I am sure your daughter will love it. How could she not?? Having her Mother and grandpa do this for her is a memory she can hang on to.
Diane Sue
Shelley, Good for you! I would never try something like that by myself so I am impressed. You must be so excited for your DD to see it. I like your plan :)


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