MA/NH area Cathe Fans?


Does anyone live in the Massachusetts/New Hampshire area? I am curious to see how many of us there are here and if anyone would be interested in getting together.

I already know of one other (b/c I converted her - ha ha ha! }( ) so we start this thread with two. Any others?

Christine :)
Hi Christine and Elaine!

I live in Halifax. I'd love to get together - after seeing pix from the Texas party I was thinking of posting something too! If I remember correctly, Lois is from Massachusetts, right? Anyone else?

Hi Christine and all -

I live in Georgetown, MA

I'm new to the site, and this is my first post!

Midnight is indeed from MA.

I'm in Andover, MA and would be happy to meet other members of the "Cathe cult"


"Don't forget to breathe!"
I forgot to say that I live in Malden and work in Peabody. Lois, we are only about 15 minutes apart!
I'm all for a get together...Cathe and you ladies are all a great inspiration to me.

I have been on a mission to get in shape as a way of managing fibromyalgia. When I first started exercising to Cathe in October on Fittv I couldn't do a push up, nevermind drop sets. I started collecting Cathe's videos and DVDs from ebay and then splurged on the hardcore series in March. I love them! Little by little I have been able to build up my strength and endurance to where I look forward to see what each new workout will bring. I don't think I could have stuck with this without Cathe's infectious attitude and more recently the open forum community here. It's nice to know that even experienced exercisers fall off the stability ball trying to do a pike!

I work on Essex Green Drive, which is just behind the mall area on the same road as the Narvard Vanguard Medical center. Ringing any bells here?
I am still a little unfamiliar with the area but can someone suggest a town or city mid-way for all of these places in MA for a get-together?
So, is this everyone?? Any ideas for a get together? I've lived here all my life (practically) but still don't have a good sense of how far apart we are. But, hey, this is New England, how much distance can there really be, right? I mean, if they could do it in Texas, we should be able to do it, too! Anyone up for a hike? I'd love to do Mt. Monadnock sometime...


I'll travel to wherever (as long as it's not up near the Canadian border). A hike is good, but not during black fly season which I think is coming up.


"Don't forget to breathe!"
I have a book of all the hikes in the New England area. How long are we looking for? I have to say, a lot of these are in NH. I don't mind that travel but I don't know how far they are from you guys. Where is Monadnock? What about Mt. Washington?

I moved here to go to Grad school 9 years ago but for the first 5 when I was in school, I never got to know the area at all. Can you tell? ;-)
My guess is that Monadnock is most central for all of us. I think it's in the North/central part of the state. Mt. Washington would be a "hike" for me (about 2.5 hours at least) which wouldn't leave much time at all for a hike, if you know what I mean.

Has anyone hiked Monadnock before? My DD did with her school and she loves it.

I have hiked it several times. It is a good hike with enough challenge for the average hiker but very do-able. I think you need to be a more experienced hiker to climb Mt. Washington and anyway, what's the point, they have an auto road that goes right to the top!!


"Don't forget to breathe!"

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