Gut Sucking, continued..haha

I always try to remember to suck my gut in, but seconds later I'm sucking it in again. It's so hard! And so is sitting up straight.

Who said "muscle has gut sure doesn't."

I'm finding it much easier to remember when I'm standing up. Sitting down seems to be a gut free-for-all. Going to have to work on that.

Kinda funny, though, yesterday as I was leaving work and waiting for the light to change so I could cross the street, a man standing next to me asked me if I was OK. I guess I made a sharp sucking noise when I did an ab check. Ooops. :D

Luna - that's hilarious! You should have encouraged him to try it, too!!

I'm sitting at home in front of the computer sitting on my stability ball and sucking in my gut....hard!!

Still being a sucker! I even held it in for all it's worth during the hour+ I spent on the Metro today! It's amazing how once I let my attention wander, that pooch makes a run for it!

I forget rather easily, but I did notice that while I was doing A-Jocks Kickbox Mish-Mosh & had a lot of opportunity to check myself in the mirror, the second I saw my gut become lax, I would immediately tighten my core & for the most part it stayed there. I guess I need a full length body mirror at every station I work in. Trust me, I'm not being facetious. Devising a plan already.....

HA! I missed the first part of this I guess. It's funny because I do this ALL THE TIME :) Sitting is the worst because it seems no matter what you do -- the gut pokes out. I have actually avoided doing seated exercises (like the bent over rear delt flyes) because I can feel my gut!

But, Marla, a full-length body mirror all the time? You crack me up! I do the gut sucking thing -- does anyone do the butt squeezing thing? I did it all the way to work today (30 min). Holding a glute squeeze for 30 min. is HARD! I'm sure my facial expressions while driving aren't pretty :)

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi
I have been remembering on and off to suck in my gut all weekend. It's doing wonders for my posture! I was really surprised at how much I tend to relax my gut and slouch when I am not thinking about it. In addition to sucking in my gut, I've been checking my posture everytime I walk past a window or a mirror. I told my DH about it, and now he's reminding me to sit up straight too! lol :)

Shonie - DAMN, girl, the whole 30 minutes????? WOW!!! That's awesome! During my 30 minute commute, I only squeeze my glutes during stoplights!


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