Are regular pushups bad for your uterus?

I have a cat and
>had him before my grandson was born, and people, including my
>mother, would tell me not to have the cat around the baby
>because my cat would steal the breathe from him.

That belief has been around for a long time. It may have some basis in truth: cats may smell the milk on a baby's breath and go over to lick the kid's mouth. To superstitious people, it may look like the cat is trying to steal the kid's breath.
Congrats on all those pushups!

This thread is cracking my up. I have 5 children and no amount of strenuous exercise has caused trouble with my uterus.

Strange, I didn't notice Cathe's uterus falling out during Gym Style chest triceps when I did it.

We should send a sympathy card to her for having her uterus fall out while whipping us into shape.;-)
AWWW! Haydee. Good for them. All these old wives tales! I wish all your family good luck & health.


>I once had a trainer who told me if I didn't breathe right
>during my ab routine my abs would get bigger b/c air bubbles
>would get stuck in them.
>HUH? If I swallowed a straight pin would it pop those

OMG! Maybe s/he studied at the same school that activegirl's sister's trainer did!

Could that work for breasts? If I do deep chest breathing, could I get some air bubbles stuck in there? That might also help with the gravity thing. They would be bigger AND loftier!
I'm pretty sure I will not be able to push ups for a while without doing a face plant from laughing.

Know what else strains your uterus? PREGNANCY.

Sorry, had to be sarcastic there. Anyway, did you know that the justification for all the sexist "rules" men made in the days of yore were that they would hurt women's reproductive organs? Like playing sports, riding bikes, etc. All total crap of course. Sounds like this trainer thinks its 1905 instead of 2005.

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