New England Hiking Trip


There was chatter about us New England folks getting together for a hike in the NH area. Are we still up for that or did the Cathe trip take precedence? If anyone is up for it, I can still do the last weekend of June.

Christine :)
Hi Christine!

I can do June 18th easier than the 'bout you? Are we still thinking of Mt. Modadnock? I do think the Cathe roadtrip took over for a while, but I can't go to that x( Are you going? Anyone else from New England?

Kerrie -

I am going to Cathe's weekend :)

The 18th is a tough weekend for me, but if the 25th doesn't work for you, we could always plan further ahead. Even if we go into August or something, at least we all put something on the calendar.

Monadnock seemed to be the best mid-range place for all of us to meet. I looked in my hiking book and found a trail called the White Arrow Trail that is 4.6 miles and takes 3 hours. It is in the State Park in Jaffrey (which is considered Central and Southern NH). It is open to Hikers only and costs $4 per person in parking. Another one is White Dot-White Cross Loop and that one is 4.3 miles and takes 3 hours. It is in the same location w/the same fee. There are tons in there & lots more info for when we are deciding which trail to do!

Christine :)
Maybe it would be best to push the New England trip off til after the road trip. Then I can hear first hand all about it! The last weekend of July will probably work for me! And Modadnock sounds great! How 'bout the rest of you New Englanders?

It would be really great to push it out until after the road trip if possible. Saturdays are better than Sundays for me, but I'm flexible. I hiked up Monadnock a few years ago - and it was a lot of fun.

My schedule gets more flexible once June is over so I will happy to go whenever it works for everyone else.

Should we just pencil in the last Saturday of July? We can always reschedule if we need to as we get closer, but at least it will be on the calendar! What d'ya think??

I would certainly be interested,but August would certainly work better for me.

I do not sign on here often, but will check in more often to see if this is a go.

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