Protein Pancakes

O.k, while I am trying to get in some more protein I thought I would share this recipe with you all...

1 c whole wheat pancake mix
2 heaping scoops of vanilla whey protein powder to equal 45 g
3/4 c ff milk
3 egg whites
2 tsp olive oil
1/2 c blueberries

Hi Charlotte -

I think I'll give this one a try - Pancakes, protein and blueberries - what's not to love? I'm also trying to step up the protein - a constant battle because I'm a veg.



Your recipe looks like it is tasty. But can your tell us what brand of whole wheat pancake mix do you use and is it readily available in the grocery store? I'd like to give this recipe a try.

PS I read on another thread that your DS did a Cathe premix with you. That is awesome!

AKA Likes2bfit
Welcome back Charlotte. I was starting to miss your posts.

Thanks for sharing. Question: No syrup right? Should I eat those with fresh fruit and 8oz. of milk? I'm trying to think what can go with those pancakes which sound delicious.

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