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  1. S

    SELF Mag: Weights First, Then Cardio

    I, too, have also heard of this. The theory is that if you lift weights first, you'll be able to lift heavier. If you do cardio first, you'll have exerted most of your energy and won't have as much left to lift heavy.
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    sweet tooth

    >I'm not Cathe, but I'd recommend No Pudge Brownies. Another >poster told me that these are fantastic - and she was right! I >mix a single serving with no fat, no sugar vanilla yogurt and >it satisfies my chocolate carving on the spot. The brownies >have only 120 calories and no fat! >...
  3. S

    Enlight II -- FIt Question

    Thanks for that info Cathe! I ended up ordering a 5.5 too. I think I'll be much happier with the fit. For those looking for Enlight IIs's, you can google them, or from what I've heard, you can call Ryka directly and order them. For whatever reason they are not listed on their website...
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    Enlight II -- FIt Question

    Thanks for your reply -- I'll post in the open forum.
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    Enlight II -- FIt Question

    For anyone that wears Ryka's, specifically Englight II, I have a question. I've been wearing Ryka's exclusively for a few years and know that you need to order 1/2 size up from your regular size, which I've been doing. I just received my Enlight II (I do LOVE them!) and ordered a size 6 since...
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    Thanks for the quick reply, Conni! I'll check their website out. Thanks again!!
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    I need to purchase the dyna-band and was hoping that someone could point me in the right direction. I'd like the one that Cathe uses - lenghth and resistance. Thanks so much!
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    Consecutive Circuit Workouts

    I've often wondered this too. I'm guessing that it's okay to do on consectutive days if you don't have any DOMS.
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    Sick of the whining!

    I'm sorry, but I have to agree with Diane. I was going to post a similar message, but was reluctant because I figured there would be a lot of backlash Jordan -- you are absolutely right -- everyone is allowed to express their concerns, even people like Diane, or myself. I don't usually...
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    Cathe Pre-Order Surprise Spoiler (Don't read if you don't want to know!)

    RE: Cathe Pre-Order Surprise Spoiler (Don't read if you... I was one that had pre-ordered, canceled, then ordered again, so I'm sure I won't get the gift which is fine. However, it would be lovely if she offered this to buy -- I would love it I'm sure!
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    Elliptical or treadmill recommendations?

    I actually owned a Lifefitness Elliptical which I loved at the time, but got bored with. I've since sold it but really want a treadmill. I just feel like it is a little more versatile. The elliptical I had was different than Precor -- you couldn't change the incline. Maybe that's why I got...
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    I know! They all look unbelieveable! I know I'm just gonna have to cave and get some of these!!
  13. S

    Cathe help!!! Am I gonna have to get plastic Surg? Wh...

    I gained alot of weight during my pregnancy (15 years ago). I lost weight, put it back on and then finally lost it for good about 9 years ago. After maintaining my weight loss for a good 2 years, I ended up having a tummy tuck. My stomach was stretched out beyond normal and the only way to...
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    Biggers breasts anyone??

    I was once obsessed w/ getting implants. I'm a 34 A and was so unhappy w/ them years ago. I'm not sure what happened, but I really started to appreciate their size and am SO happy that I chose not to get implants. I also thought I would have been weirded out by having something in there. I...
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    Trader Joe's

    I am also a huge fan of their peanut butter -- it's the best! I also love their taboule, the frozen Chicken Masala entree, their cashews, almonds & pistachios, artichoke and roasted red pepper tapenade, orange chicken (my kids LOVE that!), goddess dressing, spicy thai peanut sauce and I'm...
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    we believe in you cathe!

    >There is more important things in life to worry about! > >Joyce ;-) Thank you for that! It is SO true!
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    Underwhelmed !

    The one time I had to contact them I had no problems. This was only 2 or 3 weeks ago which must've been a busy time for them and they still managed to get back to me promptly.
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    Hang in there, Cathe

    All I can say is Patience is a Virtue:-) I know everyone that pre-ordered has been waiting patiently for the most part, but honestly, when everyone finally gets their workouts, all of this will seem silly.
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    I don't have KickMax, but do have LowMax and burn around 430 cals with that. I'm 4' 9" and weigh around 105 lbs.
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    I love how involved Tracie (and the others hopefully) will be on the boards. I am also really loving the involvement of their nutritionist. That is going to be such a fantastic resource!