Elliptical or treadmill recommendations?


I am an avid user of all of your DVDs & Videos. They are the best on the market. However at times I like to cross train (I usually run) and am building an indoor gym. Would like to know if you have any recommendations if I should get a treadmill or elliptical. I would get either one but want to get one that is "hardcore" suitable. In otherwords I would like to get one that is on the level (robust enough for heavy usage) of your workouts. Any recommendations would be most appreciated.

BTW, really looking forward to receiving your new DVDs. BTW if you do not mind, can I make a recommendation for some leg press drills that are slower and have different repetition speeds? I find those most effective and like to have varying speeds. They would be a great leg burner in conjunction with your already tough leg workouts :)

Thanks again!

I'm not Cathe, but check out the arc trainer before you buy a treadmill or elliptical. I love those things--they're similar to ellipticals but more intense. Also low impact so no risk to the knees.
Not Cathe either but I run for my main cardio, so I didn't want a treadmill. I purchased an Elliptical from Nordic Track. It is their SpaceSaver model. I love it and my DH also uses it. I have not tried an arc trainer but it is best to check out all the cardio eqiupment options...:)
I have to chime in here with Carol. I have an elliptical and I absolutely love it, and I get a great workout from it. With an elliptical you have several options for varying your workout. You can go forward and backward, increase speed, increase resistance, and if you choose one with a crossramp, increase the incline. I prefer models with a crossramp rather than moving handlebars (few if any models include both options). The crossramp assists in giving your lower body a fantastic workout. Raising the incline places the emphasis on your glutes and quads, while keeping it low more closely approximates walking and gives your calves and hams a good stretch. There's a dizzying array of cardio machines out there, so have fun shopping!
I actually owned a Lifefitness Elliptical which I loved at the time, but got bored with. I've since sold it but really want a treadmill. I just feel like it is a little more versatile. The elliptical I had was different than Precor -- you couldn't change the incline. Maybe that's why I got bored with it. I feel that with a treadmill, you can run, walk or go uphill or whatever. I've read that Sole makes a good fold-up model, which I've been eyeing.

Tracie Long LOVES the Arc trainer. I know she has them at her club in SC. I've not been there, but it's on my places to go list.

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