Sick of the whining!

Ladies and gentlemen - please STOP all the whining about the shipment of our DVDs!!! I too ordered in September of '05 and, although am anxious to receive my new workouts, for crying out loud, these are miniscule in the grand scheme of things!

We are a country at war with a formidable enemy; my beloved New York was attacked 5 years ago, the ozone layer is rapidly disintegrating (imagine the world we will be leaving to our children and grandchildren!), there are horrible fires going on in California with 4 brave firefighters losing their lives to save homes and people's STUFF - I could go on and on! Get some perspective!!!

Cathe and her team are doing the absolute best they can. PERIOD. Grow up! If this delay is the absolute worst thing that ever happens in your life, YOU ARE BLESSED!


Everyone is allowed to express their concerns so please keep that in mind. People are anxious but hopefully everyone will have their DVDs soon. My best advice is to let Cathe or SNM handle this type of policing. These types of posts can get out of hand and become a sorce of stress for Cathe. I would ask that no other members respond to this post in order to keep the peace.

My advice, take it or leave it,
I'm sorry, but I have to agree with Diane. I was going to post a similar message, but was reluctant because I figured there would be a lot of backlash

Jordan -- you are absolutely right -- everyone is allowed to express their concerns, even people like Diane, or myself.

I don't usually post very often here, and the last thing that I want to do is cause any problems -- quite the contrary. It's just dissapointing reading how many people are complaining.

I think Cathe (and her entire team) have done an outstanding job trying to get these workouts filmed and keeping everyone updated. I just hope she's not completely deflated by all of the complaints.
You can't make all of the people happy all of the time...the best you can do is make MOST of the people happy MOST of the time. You're doin' good just to make SOME of the people happy SOME of the time. Confuscious say... :D

On a related note: I didn't receive my DVD's today, but I received an order of books I was excited about from, so I'm happy nonetheless! I'm dancing around the house and giggling like a school girl...despite the fact that I'm still waiting on my beloved Cathe DVD's! There's more to life than Cathe DVD's (although life just wouldn't be the same without 'em! Ha ha! Ho ho! Hee hee! My books are here! My books are here!) :+ :7 :9
I am a frequent Amazonian and have a basement full of empty Amazon boxes! I share in your glee, Catwoman! I love seeing my mailman near my doorstep with my Amazon goodies, eBay goodies, Collage goodies - the list can go on and on!

I agree that life would not be the same without Cathe DVDs (but life would go on). I just hope that the incessant complaining does not turn her off. She has made herself so accessible to all of us. I'd hate to see her get so turned off as to chuck all of us!

Enjoy your goodies, Catwoman! I'm expecting some goodies from eBay sellers this week myself and some books from my bookclubs. I feel a happy dance coming on!

I, too, don't like seeing the complaining...but what are ya gonna do, ya know what I'm sayin'? But at least you and I have got books and ebay goodies to enjoy while we wait! :7 :+ Oh, and the fifty gajillion Cathe workouts we've already got will no doubt hold us over for a few more days. }(

This doesn't mean I'm gonna stop checkin' for my tracking number every day, though. ;)
Catwoman - I too have every single one of Cathe's DVDs so I've got plenty to keep me busy. I'm also waiting for some other new ones as well. But....

Patience does pay off - and it keeps you stress free. Update - I came home this afternoon and my new Cathe DVDs were waiting for me! I never received any shipping notice, nothing so I was VERY pleasantly surprised. So, please everyone - be patient and let the crew do their jobs as stress free as possible!

temporarily take a break from solitare for a week then hop back on. it should be over by then. people who have done cathe for years can get excited or impatient but thats how they feel and are wondering if other people feel the same discusion. there's another term for it.


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