sweet tooth


Dear Cathe:
First, thank you for the amazing workouts. Although I used to be able to spend lots of time at the gym, since having two children and having to work full-time I've found that I just don't have the time or money for the gym! I could never find really effective home workouts until I stumbled across yours!

Anyway, I have a question. I am trying to bring my overall fitness to the next level. I have no problem with working out - I love it - it's the food that gets in my way. I'm not looking to lose any weight, but I'd like to increase the visibility of lean muscle mass. I have an extremely difficult time resisting sweets after meals. Overall, I eat fairly well, but I always have to have sweets after lunch and dinner! Do you have any suggestions for foods that may satisfy my sweet tooth without throwing me off track? Just please don't say rice cakes! :)

Thank you for any advice you could give me here. Thank you also for the great workouts each day!!
I'm not Cathe, but I'd recommend No Pudge Brownies. Another poster told me that these are fantastic - and she was right! I mix a single serving with no fat, no sugar vanilla yogurt and it satisfies my chocolate carving on the spot. The brownies have only 120 calories and no fat!

Hope that helps,
This is the Lenten season and for Lent I gave up all sweets and eating between meals. It is absolutely killing me but my a$$ is loving my commitment.

What I've discovered is I really miss my 3:00 protein bar and my nightly sf/ff pudding. It really is amazing how often I think about grabbing just a little something to tide me over. No wonder I wasn't able to lose any weight.

Lent has been going on for 1.5 weeks and I'm 4 pounds lighter so it seems to be working. What I've done to replace my pudding is add some fruit to my lunch and or dinner plate. Since I gave up eating between meals it must be a part of the meal. As much fun as brownies are and fruit isn't, it truly does take care of the sugar needs.
You might want to check out some herbal teas, some of which are naturally sweet and flavorful. Sweeten with a bit of stevia, and you've got a very low calorie but tasty after-dinner beverage.
Thank you for the suggestions. I'm definitely going to give them all a try - hopefully I can stick with one of these!! :)
Yes, sometimes you just NEED something sweet!!!! I buy berries, even if they are expensive and I put stevia on them. (I buy raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and boysenberries for this purpose) Somehow the cost makes it seem even more like a special treat. (Ha, ha) They are good for you and they are guilt free....you just go broke!!! I also do tea with stevia like someone else suggested. Mint tea is wonderful.
Hi Aloxx! How did you know I was going to say rice cakes :p

Okay, but this is not your ordinary rice cake...check this out:

Peel a granny smith apple and slice very thin pieces and place them onto a plain rice cake. Sprinkle cinnamon and a bit of stevia (optional) on top of the apple. :9 :9 :9

Tastes just like Apple Jacks!
My favorite snack for the longest time has been the Cinnamon Apple rice cake minis dipped in FF cool whip!!! YUM!:9
>Yes, sometimes you just NEED something sweet!!!! I buy
>berries, even if they are expensive and I put stevia on them.
>(I buy raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and
>boysenberries for this purpose) Somehow the cost makes it seem
>even more like a special treat. (Ha, ha) They are good for
>you and they are guilt free....you just go broke!!! I also do
>tea with stevia like someone else suggested. Mint tea is

If you have a Trader Joe's near you, they carry amazing berry blends in the frozen food section. My favorite is Berry/Cherry with a half banana in a breakfast smoothie... They are about 2.99 a package and I get at least 4 smoothies out of the package. Sweet tooth? I can't keep Splenda in the house. Just another idea for the berries.
I don't know about others, but I find Stevia to taste overwhelmingly like black licorice...which I HATE. :-(
>I'm not Cathe, but I'd recommend No Pudge Brownies. Another
>poster told me that these are fantastic - and she was right! I
>mix a single serving with no fat, no sugar vanilla yogurt and
>it satisfies my chocolate carving on the spot. The brownies
>have only 120 calories and no fat!

No-Pudge Brownies are very yummy, but they have 22 grams of sugar per serving. There are 12 servings in a box. Just an FYI for those watching sugar intake...
All of you gals are so much better then me with sweet cravings. Although I think what I am doing is working for me atleast; I allow myself to have what ever I am craving. That way I am not eating a million different things trying to satisfy it. I just try to only have "one or two hershey chocolate kisses" or "three cookies", etc. All I need is a taste and usually that will do it. I've read the book "Eating awareness training" and it's a beaut! It teaches you to listen to your body. Eventually you can tune in to what you really are craving, like protein, or energy (carbs). Good luck. It's never easy!
Well for some reason people have taken to demonizing sweets when the reality is that like everything else, they can be enjoyed in moderation.
I know in my case, the more I stress about how I shouldn't eat sweets the more I am tempted to eat them. And I still think stevia tastes absolutely horrid. }(
I'm with you, Beavs. I can't seem to acquire a taste for stevia. It just doesn't taste good to me.

If I feel the need for a sweetener that isn't white sugar, I usually go for honey, maple syrup, or sucanet (which has kind of a nutty/earthy flavor).
Gayle--I'll have to try the sucanet. Otherwise, I just stick with sugar in the raw in my tea and if I truly crave an extra mug I might go for the splenda
Hi Gayle...They make Nu Stevia which supposedly has reduced some of the bitter taste. I like Splenda too and have that on occasion. I agree with you too, sometimes ya just got to go for the real deal and splurge (in moderation of course :) )
I have been buying the 100 calorie packs of oreos or nutter butter cookies. Also, swiss miss makes a diet hot chocolate with i think only 25 calories. I never used to drink diet pop, but tried diet root beer, it is really good. I eralize these aren't clean/whole foods, but I figure if I can get by with one pack of cookies, it is better than a row of regular oreos. Anyhow, I have a terrible time stopping myself once I start, so I try to put off my last snack until as late in the evening as possible.
I LOVE:9 Dove Promises dark chocolate. They have the perfect consistency and are very rich. I can eat 1 or 2 and stop because they are sooooooo satisfying. And for the 25 calorie diet hot chocolate--if you make it with 1/2 milk and 1/2 water it really ups the richness. Now if someone could help me stop eating ice cream...}(

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