sweet tooth

My favorite right now is Stallone SF High Protein Pudding--6.4 oz serving has 100 Cal, 20g protein, 2g fat, 2g carbs and comes in Milk Chocolate, Vanilla and I think Banana Cream. Very yummy!:9
I tried the rice cakes and the granny smith apples only to have the rice cakes crumble down my shirt with the first bite.

But guess what helps the apple stick to the rice cake?

YES! PEANUT BUTTER!!!!}( }( }( }( :p :p :p

Susan L.G.
Simple solution gained from experience. Iam a food junkie. If you can't resist it don't buy it or have it in the house. No excuse but your own I am afraid.
>My favorite right now is Stallone SF High Protein Pudding--6.4
>oz serving has 100 Cal, 20g protein, 2g fat, 2g carbs and
>comes in Milk Chocolate, Vanilla and I think Banana Cream.
>Very yummy!:9

Where do you buy it?? Sounds great!
Thanks for all of the suggestions here. I have to admit...I tried those sweet mini-rice cakes once again, and the ones with the chocolate drizzled on them are actually....not bad. My five year old daughter and I ate the whole packet in two days though...guess I'll have to work on portion control. As soon as the good weather gets here I'm going to try the berries with some light whipped cream. I'm also going on a hunt for that pudding though.

Thanks for all of the responses - it's really helped.

I too love the Dove dark chocolates, and I CAN stop at 2:) I find i crave something sweet later in the evening, and w/ it still dark early and not able to get outside... I also agree w/ whoever typed earlier, if it's not in the house...I try not to buy "junk" food, but it is hard w/ 3 kids in the house (and a husband who LOVES ice cream)I found that Bryer's makes a good fruit popsicle w/ real fruit and no added sugar. That cures the sweet tooth (for a little bit...) :)
I get it from bodybuilding.com but I think it's available at GNC stores also. Let me know how you like it! :)

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