Underwhelmed !


New Member
Cathe --

I'm not sure what a customer has to do to receive a response from your customer service dept, but I've sent two email messages and called twice to resolve a faulty DVD problem. So, I thouhgt I'd try contacting you directly. I'm new to the Cathe workouts and recently received a gift from a relative which contained 3 DVD's and a High Step. One of the DVD's (Boot Camp/Mucle Max) skips and stalls so badly that its completely unusable. As I mentioned before, I've tried several times to get a replacement copy sent to me, but can't even get a reply from your customer service folks. Exteremely disappointing. For this reason alone, I'd be very hesitatnt to ever order from your company in the future. Your programs are great, but the blocking & tackling side of your business could use some attention. For reference, the order # is 2600 and was placed on 11/2/05. Please do what you can to help.
Hi BGarcia - not Cathe here but who are you contacting? Are you going to supportCathe.com? I've had a few problems from time to time and found the customer service to be stellar. Do you recall if that's who you tried to contact? Even at the height of the Christmas holidays they were totally responsive. Not questioning your experience but hoping to help you find another avenue.

Lorrie --

Thanks for the reply. As Cathe's web site instructs, I sent my email concern to the [email protected] web address....twice! After weeks with no reply, I then called the customer order phone number (I figured that the company would answer the phones if there was a potential sale involved). On both occasions, I was told by the operator that they would forward all of my information directly to customer service on my behalf. Again....no reply. This order was placed back in early November, so you can imagine my frustration.

Truth be told, I've heard nothing but great things about Cathe and her company and its products...but this is not a very good first impression from my perspective. I understand that things get busy during the Holidays, but expecting any customer to wait two months for a courtesy reply would never be considered a good business practice.
Boy, do I feel like a total shmuck! No sooner did I air my frustration with Cathe’s customer service on this forum (in an admittedly negative and counterproductive way) that Nancy from Customer Service picked up the phone and called me personally. Handling me in the way a parent handles a spoiled child (with infinite patience and understanding), Nancy quickly and professionally addressed my concerns and solved my problem. Eating crow never tasted so good. Sincere apologies to Cathe’s customers for the negative energy…you all have better things to do than read silly stuff like this. More importantly, humble apologies to Nancy for doubting you!!

With My Tail Between My Legs,

The one time I had to contact them I had no problems. This was only 2 or 3 weeks ago which must've been a busy time for them and they still managed to get back to me promptly.

everybody makes mistakes and believe me your post was tame compared to the flames being thrown around here.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
>Boy, do I feel like a total shmuck! No sooner did I air my
>frustration with Cathe’s customer service on this forum (in an
>admittedly negative and counterproductive way) that Nancy from
>Customer Service picked up the phone and called me personally.
> Handling me in the way a parent handles a spoiled child (with
>infinite patience and understanding), Nancy quickly and
>professionally addressed my concerns and solved my problem.
>Eating crow never tasted so good. Sincere apologies to
>Cathe’s customers for the negative energy…you all have better
>things to do than read silly stuff like this. More
>importantly, humble apologies to Nancy for doubting you!!
>With My Tail Between My Legs,


I'm so glad your problem has been resolved and I really appreciate you posting the outcome. Thanks for sharing it. I had a small snafu with an order several months ago and it was resolved quickly and courteously as well. It think we've all heard enough about problems with CS. It's time to start giving praise when praise is due.

How cute! Thanks for saying that. After some of the negative things I've read on here lately, it's nice to read your response to some positive action. I feel like people these days are way too negative and I love when someome can see positive in others. Thanks Bert for sharing your feelings. Happy New Year to you and yours!

Hi Bert,

Don't feel like a smuck :p . Welcome to Cathe. I have always received great service and I'm happy to hear that you got satisfaction. Thanks for reporting back. I hope that you enjoy your workouts as much as I do.

Nancy is super, isn't she? I've dealt with her in the past, when I was impatiently waiting a few mos on a backorder, and she was quick to email me back, repeatedly. :) I do wish that customer service DID have a phone contact number, however. I always think that speaking to a cust serv person seems to reassure me much more so than having to deal in email, for whatever reason. LOL But, lucky you that she called you! great job, Nancy! :)

I'm glad it worked out for you, Bert! And I'm so happy that you updated your thread. Hopefully those who feel out of sorts with Cathe, will read THIS thread. ;)
WOW! I had the best customer service experience with Nancy. I received my email promptly from her during the Hoilday Season and received my DVD without a glitch. :) :7 :)
I've only had one problem and it was resolved in like...5 days! I thought this was fantastic.

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