Cathe help!!! Am I gonna have to get plastic Surg? Wh...


What type of exercise is best when losing lots of wt?

I am in the process of losing wt (once again). I’m 5’2 and I’ve already lost 20 pds with about 40 or 50 more to go.

Should I be doing slow and heavy wts to build muscle (since I have no muscle tone). I really would like to be able to wear a sleeveless blouse by August. OR should I do slow and fast since I need to slim down?

I’m worried about loose skin and flab. Can exercise alone fix this? I’m 36 years old, and I’ve been big most of my life after the age of 25.

Also, my abs looks like hell! My tummy hangs over a bit, even though it’s getting a lot slimmer. Am I going to have to get plastic surgery in order to have a decent looking stomach?

I welcome any and all suggestions.

Exercise will take up some of the loose skin but you really will not be able to tell if you really need plastic surgery until you are at your ideal weight. You know how you see some people loose 60 and they really do not need it. At least the mucscles will give you a natural lift. Just do not get discouraged.
Hi Vron! Congrats on your weight loss. Your on your way to more so don't panick and just stay consistent. Do two challenging total body strength training sessions per week (three to 4 times per week if they are split workouts) and do 4 to 5 cardio sessions (30 to 45 minutes per session) per week. Eat very clean too, that is so very important too. Consistency is the key....don't be drastic, just be consistent. Keep at it, you are doing great! :)
I would also look into doing some skin brushing twice per day. This helps with circulation and also helps tone up the skin. Another benefit is it helps release the toxins through the lymph nodes too! Do a google search on skin brushing for the benefits and "how to" for skin brushing.

I, for one, was one who still has loose skin from losing 40 pounds. It takes a while for the elasticity to return. It will, though, through clean eating, drinking lots of water, and skin brushing. :)

good luck!
RE: Cathe help!!! Am I gonna have to get plastic Surg?...

(Cathe's quote: Do two challenging total body strength training sessions per week three to 4 times per week if they are split workouts) and do 4 to 5 cardio sessions (30 to 45 minutes per session) per week. Eat very clean too, that is so very important too. Consistency is the key....don't be drastic, just be consistent.)

Thanks so much for this info, Cathe! I'm the same height as Vron only I have her original 60-70 lbs to lose. :-( Your advice coincides with and confirms what I was planning to do (2 days total body strength, 4 cardio, 1 yoga)... and congratulations, Vron! :D
I gained alot of weight during my pregnancy (15 years ago). I lost weight, put it back on and then finally lost it for good about 9 years ago. After maintaining my weight loss for a good 2 years, I ended up having a tummy tuck. My stomach was stretched out beyond normal and the only way to fix it, was by having a tummy tuck. I was THRILLED with the results! It was one of the best things I've ever done for myself -- no regrets whatsoever!

I'm going to check out the skin brushing. I've heard of it, but haven't researched it much.

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