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  1. K

    Need Help Marketing Your New Videos??

    >This thread is originally from October of 2002!!! Look at the >first post's date!! How in the world did it get >resurrected???? Someone had WAY too much time on their hands >... LOL!! > >Carol >:-) Actually, it was a matter of stupidity, not lack of a life (but thanks). I was in...
  2. K

    Need Help Marketing Your New Videos??

    I was really surprised to read comments that Cathe is too muscular to appeal to some women. I could see how somebody like Keli Roberts might be, since many of us are worried about bigger waistlines (I like Keli Roberts, but I would understand "too muscular" in her case), but Cathe? I think she...
  3. K

    Index of Cathe's rotations

    Beth - I had no idea that was there (at YaYas) and it's AMAZING!! That would be even more wonderful here, but thank you for bringing that one to my attention. I have to say that although yes, most of us can run a competent search, it would be REALLY nice to have Cathe's original rotations...
  4. K


    >I if I can just get my dh to agree!! > >mary Does he like movies? DVDs come with all kinds of special features, including directors'commentaries and alternate endings - great guy stuff!!
  5. K


    Oh, Kristine, Come to the dark side - You'll never go back!! We received our first DVD player as a gift, and I thought "How stupid - what do we need this for, when our VCR works just fine?" Now I love it for everything, but ESPECIALLY Cathe's (and even other workout) DVDs, with the pre-mixes...
  6. K

    PLEASE help - need Cathe's Intensity Series Rotation

    RE: PLEASE help - need Cathe's Intensity Series Rotatio... Hmmm ... same one. I'm beginning to think that was genuinely the only one given. Thank you everyone for your help - at least now I know I'm not missing anything :).
  7. K

    PLEASE help - need Cathe's Intensity Series Rotation

    I was hoping there was one more like the BB one I referenced, but that one's good too!! Thank you!
  8. K

    PLEASE help - need Cathe's Intensity Series Rotation

    I tried and tried to search for this, but all I could find was "Advanced Total Overall Body Blast Workout", "Advanced Total Body Conditioning with more focus on Muscular Endurance" type stuff, but I'm looking for something like the following that Cathe gave for Body Blast...
  9. K

    Will men appear on your hardcore series?

    >Seems to me it may be that some men just feel like sissies >working out while being led by a woman. Yeah, I think that's pretty much it. If it weren't for that, I'm sure they would rather watch women.
  10. K

    What Do You Do For A Living?

    >Cool degree Annette. I would love to get my bachelors in BIO if I knew what to do with it!LOL!! Janice, there's so much!! I used to work for a data management center for the AIDS Clinical Trials Group, and most of the people there had backgrounds in biology. There are TONS of opportunities...
  11. K

    Will men appear on your hardcore series?

    I would think that would be a great marketing move! I bet a lot of men would be more likely to buy them, and I'm sure the women wouldn't mind too much either :)
  12. K

    Music Louder Option - not yet decided!

    I love the music louder option. Once you've heard the instructions enough times, it's nice to have them more in the background. Hey, too bad there can't be a music style option to make the Pop fans (like me) and the techno fans all happy! Is that even technologically possible? Oh well...
  13. K


    Hi Firmscorpio, I'm in the same boat as far as having NOBODY to hang out with. I recently found (if that doesn't work, try and go from there). Of course, you'd probably want to change the city...
  14. K

    need advice about medications

    I have never taken Lexapro and honestly don't know a thing about it. If it is similar to Prozac, Paxil, Effexor, or Wellbutrin (and yes, I know they aren't all the same - some w/dopamine and some just SSRI), please be careful. If it's compeletely different, save yourself a few minutes and stop...
  15. K

    Taught my first step class, it was terrible

    Hi Connie, I can only speak as someone who has taken step classes, and I'm glad to hear you aren't giving up. Everybody who has ever taught a class was new once, and people know that. Even those taking the class were new at that once, and I'm sure they remember how clumsily it goes the...
  16. K

    Cathe: Advanced Series Set? Please!!!!!!!

    I never had any doubt that another advanced series would be next. I am a beginner and have been too afraid to try Cathe even though I've been dying to. I think the beginner/intermediate series was just a way for people like me to get in the door, which slams behind us as we become...
  17. K

    DVD Update 5-21-04

    >It usually takes about 2 days longer for CK Sales to receive >their shipment, but this will depend on customs. Thank you!! That's not so bad :)
  18. K

    DVD Update 5-21-04

    >If everything checks out and there are no >problems, we could begin shipping as early as Tuesday (May – >25th). Can you tell us what that means for Canadian orders through Sorry, I've never pre-ordered before (can't wait!).