
A few weeks ago I posted a question about whether or not the new hardcore series would be on vhs(because I only had a vcr) I found out that from now on only dvds would be available so ofcourse I had to buy a dvd player. OH MY GOD...why I waited so long to get one is beyond me. I always heard people talking about premixes and I never knew what they meant...well now I know. Anyone who does not have a dvd player should definatley get one, there are so many ways to mix and match workouts and talk about time efficient. Well just wanted to share!! have a great day
I totally agree. Now I want to get rid of my Cathe's on VHS and get the DVD's!!! The premixes are wonderful and I'm getting so spoiled that now I hate rewinding my tapes!!! How bad is that?
I hear ya, Mary--just went through the same transition myself a few months ago. Wish I had the money to replace all my vids now, but I'll have to do it gradually, especially since I preordered the entire Hardcore Series.

My hubby bought me a combo DVD/VHS player so I can have the best of both formats. :7 :p :7

The cost is about the same and that way I didnt' have to retire an entire line of videos.
>I agree...now if I can just get my dh to agree!!

Does he like movies? DVDs come with all kinds of special features, including directors'commentaries and alternate endings - great guy stuff!!

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