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I was really surprised to read comments that Cathe is too muscular to appeal to some women. I could see how somebody like Keli Roberts might be, since many of us are worried about bigger waistlines (I like Keli Roberts, but I would understand "too muscular" in her case), but Cathe? I think she is absolutely just right - not too big at all! My husband is kind of turned off by overly-muscular women, and he thinks Cathe is adorable. Besides, you can always lift lighter, right? For me, personally, I am only scared off by women who no longer have curves, and that's just not the case here.

Also, I agree with everybody that "it ain't broke", but you better believe that as soon as I feel like I would do it justice, I will be proudly displaying a Cathe tee - can't wait!
I think if Cathe is on FitTV that she is obviously marketing to the masses. I would be interested in seeing her comments here.

>I think if Cathe is on FitTV that she is obviously marketing
>to the masses. I would be interested in seeing her comments
I was just about to mention FitTv, and was a little confused about this thread, when I notice that the original thread is from two years ago.

I learned about Cathe from some posts on the Firmbeleivers boards over a year ago. I hadn't heard of her before. I think she is the best instructor with the most intense and varied workouts and I have tried them all. Her workouts make some of the so called advanced workouts look like a piece of cake. I now do my Firm, Karen Voight, Keli Roberts and TaeBo tapes when I am recovering from the flu or are similarly wiped out. Power 90 is probably the only other workout that takes it up to that level except for the cardio.
Cathe knows exactly what she's doing. Obviously she is comfortable with her life as it is or she would start marketing a little more. Let's not forget she has two very young children who are obviously her priority, not to mention a gym to manage.

I believe Cathe wants her life within her control and right now what she's doing appears to be working for her. Not everyone needs fame and fortune to be happy.
>Then I got thinking (but didn't mention it until now) that I
>would LOVE a Cathe doll. Much better than Barbie!! And think
>of the possiblities....a little step, workout outfits, little
>barbells and dumbbells... And then we can have Cathe's workout
>friends and ....Oh My Goodness I need to catch my breath.

How about a TALKING Cathe doll? "Yes you can!" "You can do anything for a minute!" "Come on!"
You say it well CandiK! But why are old threads being dug up? I'm starting to get confused. This thread is 2 yrs. old!
This thread is originally from October of 2002!!! Look at the first post's date!! How in the world did it get resurrected???? Someone had WAY too much time on their hands ... LOL!!


I agree - Cathe's physique is perfect as far as I'm concerned (when I think too muscular, I think more bodybuilding physique). In fact, Cathe has made me less scared of bulk - she lifts fairly heavy weights for endurance, and doesn't look bulky, so stands to reason we probably won't either!
>This thread is originally from October of 2002!!! Look at the
>first post's date!! How in the world did it get
>resurrected???? Someone had WAY too much time on their hands
>... LOL!!

Actually, it was a matter of stupidity, not lack of a life (but thanks). I was in the rotations section and changed my settings to "by topic", rather than by date, and didn't realize it carried over to other forums (DUH).
Kelly, I didn't even realize you could change them like that! That's really neat - thanks! I learned something new about these forums today!!


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