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    Low Carb Diets

    Pugsrule, a couple of days isn't long enough to understand the effects or consequences of a change in your eating program. Have you thoroughly read the informational book or website for your low-carb eating program of choice? Answers to your questions should be there. After an...
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    Okay, Ladies, 'Fess Up . . .

    I've been collecting and de-collecting for about five years. Right now (I didn't actually count) I have about 60 tapes. They are in three locations: 1) Active collection of aerobic tapes (in the living room--larger workout space) 2) Strength and Yoga (in the upstairs workout space with...
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    How do you measure your body fat percentage?

    The most trustworthy method is how your clothes fit. I confess, however, that, overwhelmed with curiosity over a long period of time, I finally bought a set of calipers. I made my husband do the measurements, and I think he did a good job. However, the calculations, according to the...
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    Barbell question

    Hi, Lorna. I'm far from an expert, but here's a reply. The S-like bar is called a "curl bar." It is used for things like biceps curls (curl bar--get it??) The S shape changes the mechanics of the lift in some way. That's the part I don't know much about. The only barbell I own is a curl...
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    Fit in the Middle (With You)

    I belong here! Many of you know me already from this forum and VF. At 54 (in 17 days anyway), I'm a menopausal fitness fanatic. I've never had a lot of awful symptoms connected with my reproductive apparatus. I've never had a baby. However, my doc has convinced me to believe in the...
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    Any formerly overweight Cathe-ites??

    Hang in there, Crystal Would you consider 50 pounds really overweight? I thought it was when I decided to shed it. Of course, I'd been losing the same weight over and over again all my life (you know--first 20, then 30, then 40, etc.) so I had faced the same discouragement/disgust time after...
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    New to the forums!

    Hello, Renae I've been logging on to the Weather channel to see what's going on with the typhoon. Not much news today since the thing has started to unravel. Sounds like you are still hanging on! Best wishes for getting airborne real soon! Sunny she comes! Barbara...
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    New to the forums!

    Renae is waiting out a typhoon! <center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-00 AT 05:26PM (EST)</font></center> At this very moment--or within the previous 24 hours--Renae is holed up in a hotel in Okinawa with her husband and three cats while Typhoon Ruamoi (wrong spelling I...
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    Biceps w/ barbells

    I'm not Cathe, but... ...I didn't want you to feel ignored or unwelcome! I'll just fill in some space here until Cathe comes along, okay? As for the barbell thing: There are many different exercises that develop the biceps. As long as you pay close attention to form, use the ones you find...
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    My two cents, Liza You already realize that you need to work on your eating habits. Supplements aren't the answer, but the only eating plan that works is the one that fits into YOUR life. You can aim to change the foods you use for convenience. For instance, fresh fruit instead of salty...
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    Body for Life in Modern Maturity!

    It's everywhere! It's everywhere! The Sept/Oct issue of Modern Maturity has a long article featuring an "older" couple (okay--they're only 50 and 52) succeeding with the BFL program. Success stories are always fun. So find a "mature" neighbor or relative and catch this one. It's a very...
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    Daily eating pattern???

    Laura, just wanted to sympathize Like you, I eat healthy, exercise consistently, and pretty much stay the same weight-wise--which is to say, a little fatter (in certain spots) than I want to be. To you, I will say what I say to my own mirror: relax. Your weight/height ratio and measured...
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    Weight Training Questions

    Confusing, isn't it! That's why some of us go for pre-formatted workouts on video. Easy to follow, and there's no doubt about getting results. I use Cathe's MIS and PS series when I want to lift heavy weights. Of course, you don't start out heavy if you're a beginner. You start with the...
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    Need inspired

    So sorry, Amysue This is a very bad day for you. Dinner out will be contributing something positive to the situation. Meanwhile, can you handle a stretch workout? Got a yoga or relaxation tape? Just spending a little while with your breathing could help you work out some of that anxiety...
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    Body Awareness

    Know what you mean, Leona It's the arms and shoulders I'm flexing before I climb into the shower. At the age of 54, I live in fear of flabby triceps. And now, for the first time in my life, I wear sleeveless shirts with pride. Abs look pretty good too. All this is consolation for the fact...
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    Hormone Replacement Info

    This is an unabashed plug--so please read no further if this information is unwelcome or unsuitable on this forum. My ob/gyn has published a small book--actually, he calls it The Little Hormone Book--outlining his "recipe for natural hormone replacement therapy." If you are peri- or...
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    VF refugee

    We're here too! Crystal, you're sure to find familiar VF names on Cathe's forum. In fact, whenever the VF forum goes down (not unusual), I come over here to find out if it's "me" or them--and find all my VF friends here. Of course, there are lots of good Cathe topics to talk about too. Right...
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    Training heavy

    Sounds like you know what you're doing <center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-00 AT 10:23AM (EST)</font></center> LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-00 AT 10:21 AM (EST) Hi, Renae. Don't you just hate it when people give you "free advice" at the gym? Of course, I have to button my...
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    Patience...patience Sounds like you're doing just fine. Seeing those muscles develop is your reward. You are exercising quite a lot--I assume you are including both strength and aerobic workouts. Be sure you are eating enough calories to cover both your basic metabolic needs and what you use...
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    Kathy, everybody reading this thread... ...should send you a nice check. You've given sound professional advice in a nutshell, and I appreciate it!