Weight Training Questions


Active Member
Hi Ladies!
I have some questions for the some of the weight training veterans. First, I've read all kinds of fitness magazines and they say many different things on weight training. I am very confused. Some say that I should do 4 sets of 15-20 reps for long lean muscles. Others say that I should do 3 sets of heavier weight so that I can only do 8 to 10 reps. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? I don't really want to be bulky but I want a lot of definition and reduced body fat of course. I have put myself on a 1500 to 1800 calorie diet based on the information I read in the Sports Nutrition book. I calculated how many calories I need and then subtracted 10% to create a calorie deficit. So far, I don't feel deprived. I am eating about 50% carbs, 30% protein, and 20% fat. Also, how many days per week can I do abs? I've heard everyday and then I've heard every other day. Thanks for your time.
Confusing, isn't it!

That's why some of us go for pre-formatted workouts on video. Easy to follow, and there's no doubt about getting results.

I use Cathe's MIS and PS series when I want to lift heavy weights. Of course, you don't start out heavy if you're a beginner. You start with the weight you can handle with perfect form, and then increase it in small increments from one workout (or one week) to the next. Cathe gives excellent form pointers to help you learn. The same goes for tapes made by the FIRM--also a pretty good choice for workouts that emphasize endurance and definition.

Check out the new series Cathe has just created. (I don't have them, but you can read all about them and ask questions on the forum).

Muscle groups need to rest between workouts--even abs. An ab workout using excellent form and concentration 3-4 times a week should be sufficient.

Different bodies respond differently to weight workouts. You aren't going to seriously "bulk up" without lifting VERY heavy--the kind of lifting you can only do at a gym, or at the very least, with a spotting partner and some gym-style equipment.

With your healthy nutrition program and regular cardio and weight-bearing exercise, you'll see results. Be sure to take measurements and keep a workout log, so you can track your progress. Changing workouts regularly (every 8 weeks or so) is also recommended to keep your muscles from adapting.

Yes, there are many different styles of weight workouts, but no single "right" one. You can try them all and see what results you get! Videos are a great training tool.

Ideas on weight training

Hi there. My fiance is an ACE certified personal trainer. I used to teach aerobics in my younger day, and my best friend is a female ACE certified trainer. Guess what? We all kinda have different views. My suggestion is this--start off with learning proper form either by getting a session with a personal trainer to set up a routine for you, doing some of Cathe's or other qualified instructor's tapes,or getting a book from the library.
Next, the first few months of weight training is all about figuring out where your strenght is now. Start slow and low wieght. A good starting point is three sets of 12 reps with a weight that is fairly easy to lift on the first few reps but starts to feel heavier until the last few you have to really think about! The key is that you should be fatiguing by the last few reps of each set, and each set should be getting harder. That is going to mean each person's number of reps might be different. It is pretty commonly agreed that if you go heavy--you will build more quickly. Don't worry too much, though, most women have a hard time bulking up. If you are going on your own, keep a notebook!! Write down each exercise, the date, how much you lifted, etc. and each time try to increase it. I can't stress enough how effective this is for most people. You should be working a set of muscles. Etc.. one day back and shoulders, the next bis tris and chest... don't lift two days in row if you can help it on upper body. Your muscles need to recover. Stretching afterwords is also very important to see results! Finally, may I suggest this instructional video, it is designed for beginners and is a complete how to...
Bill Pearl's "Weight Training for Men and Women" Can be ordered through Collage Video. Item # 1649, www.CollageVideo.com. It also covers working out in a gym on machines. Good luck! I hope something in here works out for you. If not, keep reading, keep asking, you'll find it!

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