VF refugee


Help!! I'm firewalled and I can't get up!!!

I'm a returning beginner to exercise with a long way to go, who owns almost all of Cathe's tapes (not the new ones yet)thanks to Video Fitness where I first heard her name. I can actually do a few of them and thinks Cathe is one of THE best.

However I'm a devout VFer who can no longer access their forum due to the company firewall. Yes, I begged them to open the port for access...no can do!

Today I discovered that I can participate in Cathe's forum. I know that's a wonderful thing but oh the VF withdrawl!! This seems like a really nice place so far, so I just thought I'd try to make some new cyber friends in fitness.
Hi Crystal!

WELCOME!! We are glad to have you join us! You will find this a VERY nice place to come. The friends you meet here will stack up to any expectations you would want in a "friend"! They are a very educated crowd too. You will grow to feel like you know them just through their posts. I've been fortunate enough to meet up (in person) with two of the gals already. Again, welcome!

Thank you Debbie!

I feel like such a foreigner, but your welcome makes me feel like I at least have a visa now!

Glad to have you here. Sorry to hear that you can't get into VF. If it makes you feel any better, I rarely ever go over there anymore. I have found virtually all I need on Cathe's forums. I do still check out the recipes at VF though.

Hope you enjoy being here!

We're here too!

Crystal, you're sure to find familiar VF names on Cathe's forum. In fact, whenever the VF forum goes down (not unusual), I come over here to find out if it's "me" or them--and find all my VF friends here.

Of course, there are lots of good Cathe topics to talk about too.

Right now, I'm the only one on this forum (I think) who hasn't ordered or received the new series. I have all I can handle with PS, MIS, and the Cathe step tapes I already own! So I feel a little out of the loop over here. Never mind. Things will calm down again eventually--as all these Cathe-ites drop over in exhaustion trying out their new workouts.
Hi Crystal!

I was wondering where you disappeared to over there...sorry to hear you got locked out
. You will feel right at home in no time..tons of familiar faces

Crystal, I missed you too!

I was wondering what happened to you and hoping you hadn't given up on fitness. So, how's it going, are you making progress? Leslie

Welcome to Cathe's place! This is a really neat forum, oh so inspirational & informative.
I'm so sorry you can't access VF, but(t) there sure a lot of us VFers checking in here too! I've missed your posts on VF.
aka SpecialK of the big butted VF variety
A solution to your problem

Hi CrystalI am also a frustrated VF firewall orphan. However, there is a way around the firewall. You can contact Wendy at VF ([email protected], I think) and ask to be put on the Forum's e-mail list. Everyday, you will get an e-mail with all the Forum postings. It is a bit disjointed, since the posts are in chronological order, rather than organized by threads, but it is a lot better than being totally shut out. You can also post replies to existing messages, but I don't think you can start a new thread. Anyway, it may not be perfect, but it is a great way to stay in touch. Just a thought!By the way, this is my first post to Cathe's forum. I'm surprised I have enough energy since I'm using it all going through the CTX tapes.Caryn

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