Need inspired


Hey, everyone,
I need some inspiration today. Besides the fact that my dog just puked on the floor, my neighbor/friend lost her battle to cancer through the night. Her husband is young (48); her children are 21 and 10. This is ruining my day and bringing back too many memories of my mom dying. I can't stop crying. I'm taking them all dinner tonight. I don't feel like my workout. I want to have already done it. Is this OK, or am I making unnecessary excuses? Help, anyone?
So sorry, Amysue

This is a very bad day for you. Dinner out will be contributing something positive to the situation.

Meanwhile, can you handle a stretch workout? Got a yoga or relaxation tape? Just spending a little while with your breathing could help you work out some of that anxiety. Somehow cardio and heavy lifting don't sound that good to me, either.

Give yourself a break.

So sorry Amy!

I can relate! I just lost my brother (45 years old) to cancer two months ago. It is tough to motivate yourself. You surely are entitled to a day off or so. I know that afterwards, a small depression set in for me, but I also found that exercising helped me work through those emotions. Take care, enjoy your dinner out tonight and let us know if we can be of any help! Your in our thoughts & prayers!

Thanks for your help

I thank you for the kind words and the "OK" to take the day off. I am taking my neighbor friends soup, salad and bread and will offer my condolences and visit a while. Then, a few friends and my sister are having a girls' night at a friend's house where we can all just get this out of our system.

Debbie, sorry to hear about your brother. I not only lost my friend this year, but my mom too and a few years ago, a sister. Life isn't the same without them, is it? Take care.
How Nice!

I'm sure your neighbors will appreciate your thoughfulness. Sorry to hear about your Mom. No, life is not the same without our loved ones. I lost my Mom in a car accident, my Father to a massive heart attack, plus my twin sis is dealing with MS right now and having a rough time. It's hard at times, but I try to keep my chin up and appreciate each & every day I'm given. I guess that is one of the reasons I love to exercise and I am so thankful for this place to come and share & receive from others because we have the same thing in common. Have fun with your sis & friends tonight and remember all the GOOD things about your neighbor friend!!

grief IS a workout

Gosh Amy, grief IS a workout! It is a physical and emotional and mental workout. It sounds like you are taking very positive steps to grieve constructively and be helpful. By all means let the workouts go for a few days if you need to! Believe me there have been times when I've cried so hard my heart rate soared and I was SWEATY when I was done! Be especially kind to yourself as well as to your neighbor's family, Amy. Sometimes it feels like life is a series of griefs, doesn't it? Tears are a wonderful gift, I hope you find relief in shedding them.
Amy, I am so sorry.

This was the neighbor you told me about, isn't it? Amy, you took such care and did kind things for this person. Let yourself grieve and also be comforted. We all know exercise is important, but at this moment your emotions and those around you are MORE important. Take care and God bless you and all those around you.
You guys are the best!

Reading this thread is making me cry--good cry. You are all so wonderful. It has been a joy to get to know all of you. You would like my neighbors, including my friend that passed away. They are good people too. Thanks so much for all of your kindess.

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