Okay, Ladies, 'Fess Up . . .


How many exercise videos do YOU have in your collection, and how many have passed through your portals since they hit The American Scene?

I currently have 19 in The Millenium Collection, 13 of which are La Cathe. I did a best-guess as to how many I've ever had, and came up with 34, including what I've got now. I have the feeling I'm a piker . . .

Being a dyed-in-the-wool cheapskate, parting with a buck is always a traumatic occasion for me, but my position is that every dollar I spend in exercise equipment is at least five to ten dollars I save in medical expenses, and every hour I invest in intelligent, challenging exercise is at least five to ten hours saved in a doctor's office, down the road. Videos are one of the best investments I make, financially as well as physically.

Numbers, please?

Annette :) :) :) :) :)
I am a baby collector compared to many

I think you're going to be very surprised at the number of videos in many video collections.
I have 67 with 68 on it's way in the mail right now. I am a mere mortal among the fitness goddesses here.
RE: I am a baby collector compared to many

Right now I have 62 with 3 on the way. I always have "some" on the way it seems like. I have only been video exercising seriously for a year and a half. I have all of Cathe's videos that she currently sells. I have several Kathy Smith, Harold's, a few Mindy's, Andre, Franny, Christi, and assorted stretch tapes. I like having variety...keeps it fresh and interesting. That's how I explain it to myself anyway! :)

I keep mine pared down

There seem to be 2 types of video collectors, those who still have every video they've ever owned, and those that don't like things sitting around that don't get used anymore. I'm one of the latter. I make/made heavy use of the VF exchange forum and the Firm Swap. The last time I sat down and actually tried to figure out how many workouts have passed through my VCR, I was well over 200. BUT I only have about 60 on my shelf. I've traded a LOT of videos, especially early on in my addiction as I tried to figure out my own tastes when it comes to videos and fitness. I also have taken to selling excess videos on ebay or the Firm Swap when they sit on my trade list for a while and don't get any takers. Then I use the $$ to buy the videos I want. It's also what I did to help fund my 12 pack of DVDs. :) At this point I've had so many videos that most of what is on my wish list ( if anything -- it's empty right now ) are high-demand new releases, which are harder to come by.

Now, we won't even get into the amount of fitness EQUIPMENT I have! ;-)

I don't feel so bad now

I have about 57 that I acutally use. Not counting the 10 or so I'm trying to rid myself of. No one eles wants them either. ANd that's not counting the 5 new Cathe videos I waiting for. YIPPIE! :-jumpy I do like to keep videos bacause I have found I want them again about 9 months after I trade them. Thankfully my Dh is understanding. He likes the results.
Oh and 15 are Cathe. Not counting the new ones I'm waiting for!
I am afraid to count--it's scary. I DID manage to donate a bunch to the library a few years ago for a tax deduction. I would say over 100, and I just ordered the new Karen Voight (Cardio Strength) and a Kristin Kagin (Step This Way). I wanted some more cardio to alternate with all the new strength tapes from Cathe, and Rhythmic Step just seemed to whet my appetite for some more step tapes.
HI Annette,

I have a total of 29 tapes...

Here is the break down...

19 Cathe
3 Karen Voight
3 Brian Kest Power Yoga
2 Buns of Steel
1 Abs of Steel
1 Jane Fonda's Challenge

I use all of Cathe's! Once in a great while I'll do a different one.

RE: So I AM a Piker . . .

Bless you all. Now, every time my husband starts to fidget when I want a new exercise video, I'll whip out these stats here and show him how conservative I really am!

:) :) :) :) :)

RE: So I AM a Piker . . .

I have 2 Cathe DVDs.
11 of her videos
5 Kari Anderson
3 Karen Voight
1 Christi Taylor
3 Janis Saffel
2 Steel platinum series tapes.
6 Kathy Smith
1 Crunch (boot camp)
1 Charlene Prickett
Harold Sanco's video
1 yoga
That's it I think.
Do I dare confess.....

I currently have around 100 videos, but have gotten rid of at least twice that many over the past 10 years. I try to keep my collection down so that it fits in a small bookcase that's reserved just for videos (it holds 90, so I'm currently "double rowing"). My biggest "collections" are Cathe, the Firm, Tae Bo and Powerstrike. I have about 30 kickboxing videos (and have gotten rid of more than a dozen), about the same number of step, a dozen or so strength videos, and assorted odds and ends.
What can I say...I like variety!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-29-01 AT 06:26PM (Est)[/font][p]Just wanted to say how much I love this! Couldn't agree more!
I have most of Cathe's and Firm's and too many others to mention

>my position is that every dollar I spend in exercise equipment >is at least five to ten dollars I save in medical expenses, and >every hour I invest in intelligent, challenging exercise is at >least five to ten hours saved in a doctor's office, down the >road. Videos are one of the best investments I make, >financially as well as physically
Taking into consideration I am a neophyte, Annette...I have 5 tapes...but four are still in the box having just arrived today...but will be well-used shortly...Do I get the booby prize???? Or is that the "pectoral prize"???? :-(
I have figured out 110 is my outside number. when I buy new ones--something has got to go to keep it to 110. I'd say the oldest thing still taking up shelf space is Kathy Smith's Fat Burning Workout--which I have not done in a year. maybe instead of a number, I ought to re-look at this mess and see what I really use and get rid of the excess. Weekend project.....
I've been collecting and de-collecting for about five years. Right now (I didn't actually count) I have about 60 tapes. They are in three locations: 1) Active collection of aerobic tapes (in the living room--larger workout space) 2) Strength and Yoga (in the upstairs workout space with dumbbells and stuff) 3) Inactive, tradeables, and mistakes (cabinet near my computer workplace).

Thanks to VF reviews and forums like this one, I've been able to select tapes most of the time that I really like and use forever--or until I grow out of them. I use my "beginner" tapes as loaners to recruit new video junkies. Most workout video mistakes have been impulse purchases, when I didn't have a guide handy.

Anybody else carry a Collage Catalog in their purse?? : -)
RE: over 150

I would say I have about 75 now...I must say, it makes me feel so much better to read that other people have as many or more! I think I would rather buy a new workout video than almost anything I can think of!
I don't carry Collage in my purse, but it's right next to my bed!
Ruth :)
RE: over 150

I have 33 tapes now, 24 are Cathes. Maybe I have gotten rid of 10. Most of the ones I got rid of were Firms, a couple of Charlene Prickett and Karen Voight. I have kept 6 Firms and Gin Miller Intense Moves and KV Energy Sprint and one CIA tape.
Did you realize...

To all of you who, like me, keep a certain amount of space for exercise videos (and when the space is used up, the e-bay selling begins), did you realize that the same amount of video space can now hold from 2-6 times as many workouts on DVD?
Shame on you for making me count. I was feeling pretty good until I started finding them in other locations. I counted 86 from what I actually found. :-rollen
I fit the description for those who buy videos and forever keep them in their collection. I truly need to try selling on Ebay or the FIRM Swap. All those "... of Steel" videos, that I know I will never ever use again, are just taking up valuable Cathe space.


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