Body Awareness



I know all of you have experienced this but I want to share my experience.

I have been working extremely hard on my fitness program and am really starting to see the results.

I am most happy with the progress in my arms. When I was brushing my hair last week I noticed a definite bicep muscle. This really made me take notice of my entire body. I now have defined shoulders, biceps and triceps that I did not have a year ago. I actually have a nice bicep muscle! It is so empowering to see this progress.

I would like to hear from anyone that has had a similar experience.
What body part or muscle are you most proud of?
Know what you mean, Leona

It's the arms and shoulders I'm flexing before I climb into the shower. At the age of 54, I live in fear of flabby triceps. And now, for the first time in my life, I wear sleeveless shirts with pride.

Abs look pretty good too.

All this is consolation for the fact that I'll never see a hamstring or a glute under all the fluff. Can't have everything.

Enjoy those arms! Barbara

The body part I like the most on me, and probably unusual, is my calves! I really like them!They're stong and musclar and well defined. The second body part I like are my arms also. I like having rounded shoulders and triceps and biceps. They make me feel strong. Currently, I really working on getting definition in my chest and back and abs. I love to look in my magazines and see that line going down the middle where the muscle meets the sternum(sp?). After having and breastfeeding 3 babies, I don't know if my abs and chest will ever be where I want them to be, but even if they're not I know they will be stronger. As for my back, what can I say? I love that V taper
Flex those Biceps

Thank you for your response.
I love to hear when we are confident enough to give a flex!

Keep flexing!

Thats one I missed.
I think calves are a great muscle to see development in. Sounds like yours are great.

Thanks for your response.
Right back at you!!

Flex those muscles!! You've earned them
! OK, I think I'll go do the CXT shoulder tape now
Did leaner Legs earlier today,

and instead of holding on to the barbell while doing calf raises, I kept it on my shoulders. WOW, what a difference
What a great thread!!


Thanks for this thread, I love these kinds of empowering discussions

I had a similar experience a few days ago... I was was doing BodyMax, I think, and I happened to catch a glance of myself in the mirror and to my SHOCK, I actually noticed some definition in my arms!! Wow!! Now this is something I've been working hard to get for sooooo long. I naturally carry my fat in my upper body so it is very difficult for me to get defined from the torso up (although thankfully my lower body is fairly easy to get cut and defined). But, I did make a commitment a few weeks ago to really shore up my eating habits, and I consulted with a nutritionist.

Well, I can tell this has really made a difference--slowly but surely
. I was already doing all the right things workout-wise (cardio 3-4 x/week, strength 2 x/week, yoga 2 x/week), but I wasn't seeing results, so I decided I needed to focus on eating. I am so happy I did!! I'm finally starting to see the results I've been hoping for

Of course, I'm far from where I would love to be LOL, but as long as I'm getting there, that's fine by me.

In fact, just yesterday I put on a workout outfit that has always been just a bit too snug and oh my my I looked in the mirror and almost cried in delight. My arms and shoulders looked strong and defined, my tummy is flat and those horrible thunder thighs weren't nearly so thunder-y. I hardly recognized my own body.

It's great to hear everyone be so proud of their accomplishments. Let's all keep up the good work and keep it going! Stay strong and most of all HAVE FUN!
Nice calves!

I know what you mean about calves! I was biking with some friends and one said to me,"Amy, don't think I'm being queer, but you have really nice calves!" I took it as a compliment!
Isn't it great?

I love to work my calves! My husband made a similar comment to me over the summer. I had to umpire a game on one end of town and my son was playing a game on the other end. Well, as soon as I finished umpireing, I rode my bike as fast as I could to my son's game(I caught the last 5min) when I got there my husband looked at me and said he loved how strong my legs looked, especially my calves. Couldn't help myself, I gave him a big ol' smaker on the lips right there in the middle of the ballpark

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