Training heavy


Hi Cathe---Hope all is well with the video shipment--I ordered Dvd so I guess I will have to wait (wah--wahh). Anyway, I need to hear your knowledgeable opinion on lifting heavy. I have your ps-series but find that with the lower body I can not lift as heavy as I'm capable of--so I go to my gym twice a week and do lower body there. However, today I was loading the leg press with the plates (220 lb's) and a woman walked up to me and said "you're going to build some beefy looking legs with that amount of weight". I told her that I alternate between strength/endurance every eight weeks and that I have not seen much mass come from this routine. Cathe, my goal is to add muscle to increase my metabolism without bulking up---should I just keep adding more weight plates as I progress? Here is where I am leg press (220lb's) 3 setsx10-15 reps- walking lunges 50lbs,3x10/leg-leg extension alt.legs 40lb's 3x8-10/leg--hamstring curl 80lbs 3x10reps--dead lift 50lb's 3x10-15. I do inner and outer thigh's just as in ps/legs. Is this routine too much that it will lead to beefy looking legs? I guess I'm looking for reassurance that women just can't build that kind of muscle---I just want my legs to look proportional and cut. Thanks! Ranae
Sounds like you know what you're doing

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-00 AT 10:23AM (EST)</font></center>

LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-00 AT 10:21 AM (EST)

Hi, Renae. Don't you just hate it when people give you "free advice" at the gym? Of course, I have to button my lip when I see people doing things they shouldn't. That's just another reason why I prefer home workouts. Still, you can go for some heavy routines with gym equipment, as you seem to be doing, and that's a big advantage.

My "free advice" via this forum: train the way you want, and watch the results. Try taking some "before" photos to verify your visual perceptions after eight or 12 weeks. If you like what you see, voila! It's working!

I think the alternating strength and endurance routines you've planned will be great. You can also change the specific exercises you're using from one routine to another.

But you know all that. Enjoy your workouts--and continue educating people at the gym.
From my own experience

Hi Ranae,

I spent last spring fairly consistantly in the gym with the same machines..lifting heavy, increasing weight and tried to gain more muscle mass for the same reasons you stated. I even had lower reps trying to increase but I don't think I got all that beefy.
However, from everything I read about increasing size and bulking, I think it has just as much to do with genetics and how you are put together. I have pretty much come to the conclusion...I ain't a bulker.
I bet you will be fairly safe with your routine and not get too big(if you didn't want to
)..especially since you have your reps around 10-15...with 3 sets for each exercise. Even though you are lifting heavy, you still have a higher rep count. Weight Training for Dummies classifies 8-15 reps under muscular endurance, so you still might be safe from over bulking..even if you are genetically inclined to
. Of course..that's IMHO.
Like Barb said, sounds like you are an experienced exerciser and I bet you are on a pretty good track for your goals...however..I would love to hear Cathes opinion too...since we happen to share the same goals
. Good luck with your routine


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