Search results

  1. H

    Bodymax circuits

    >Are any relatively >tall or long-legged folks having >trouble with the move? I'm tallish (5'8"), but really long legged (33 inch in-seam -- try finding that in a clothing store!) Guess what, I still struggle with this move. I usually do the first half of the series going side to side ove...
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    Suggestions for Thinner Thighs

    >Hello; I have a question regarding >my twelve year old daughter. > She has always had >big thighs and calves, she >took after her dad. >She really wants to get >rid of them. Should >she be doing Cathes tapes >on this problem or is >is to much for her? > At 12, you're daughter is...
  3. H

    Do you feel bad?

    Rest days are different for everyone A rest day doesn't mean the same thing to every person. For instance, every weekday morning I work out with a video (strength Monday and Thursday, Cathe or Christi cardio Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.) My job is exceedingly high stress and by lunch I need...
  4. H

    Barbell versus Weights

    I tend to cheat with the barbell. My stronger side does far more of the work than my weaker side. I also think you get a better work out of the secondary stablizer muscles with the dumbbells. For upper body work I use dumbbells. For lower body I use a curved barbell since my forearms get tired...
  5. H

    brand new to the Cathe workout

    Ready for a challenge, huh Normally I wouldn't suggest this for someone starting Cathe, but you might try IntervalMax. It's an intense fat burning step workout, but the choreography is probably some of the easiest in the Cathe series. It certainly is not a beginner tape, but since you are...
  6. H

    My rotation for weight loss

    Jumpin' in [font color=red]Food plan [/font]- Overall that diet looks good. Approximately how many calories are you eating each day? It seems like you may be going a bit too low for your activity level. Three things to think about: • Your protein is concentrated at the middle of the day...
  7. H

    Cathe Classics DVD (volume 1)

    LAST EDITED ON May-11-02 AT 10:03PM (Est)[p]I don't care which ones you pick, but thank you, thank you ,thank you. Please, allow me to be the first to advance order. My Visa is at the ready! Yee Ha!
  8. H

    Joint problems

    heathnut and jillybean Healthnut, it's time to start looking for some lower impact activities. In my experience "repetitive use" joint pain gets worse over time. So if you are already having achy joints, think of what you'll be feeling in your older years. Ouch! It really sounds like an...
  9. H

    Shoulder and triceps Strength

    The tricep is a very small muscle. The anterior and posterior deltoid are also smaller than other muscles in the upper body. So extensions (tricep) and military presses (delts) will nearly always be worked at a lower poundage. Also the smaller muscles are stablizers for other exercises, so they...
  10. H

    Educated crowd...please help!

    It's very difficult to work the chest muscles with free weights because the small muscles need to stablize the weight. If you did your work out on a Smith machine (which allows the bar to only move vertically) you could certainly go heavier and feel the fatigue in the chest muscles. A few...
  11. H

    Earlier Step Workouts on DVD?

    Please! Please! Please! I greatly prefer using the DVD's to videos, and I'd really to get some of these older workouts into my collection.
  12. H

    Cathe videos at 54 years old?

    When I grow up... >I am 56 1/2 years old >and do Cathe's tapes regularly. > >Donna >(Iron pumping granny) You are my hero!
  13. H

    defective tapes?

    Try Again I had one bad Cathe tape and emailed the company. Within hours I got a note saying a new tape had been shipped. They didn't even ask me to return the defective tape. They just asked that I discard it. Tapes are more fragile than you might think. En route to you they are rattled...
  14. H

    Cathe: More Planks, PUH-LEASE!

    On the other side -- planks bore me to tears. I'd be happy to never see another one. I'd rather do a long set of traditional abs than a boring ol' plank.
  15. H

    Too heavy to start running?? help

    LAST EDITED ON Apr-02-02 AT 00:01AM (Est)[p]When I started running I was far over my ideal weight. I'm not sure, but I think it was at least 30 lbs. I never had a serious injury even though I ran several times a week. Some things that worked for me: • Use a treadmill. A well-made treadmill...
  16. H

    What would you do?

    Some ideas LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-01 AT 10:35PM (Est)[p]Really, it depends on the specifics of your injury. Once your physican clears you for physical activity, ask if you can have a few sessions with a physical therapist. PT will help you get restarted safely. Some other suggestions: Start...
  17. H


    Why do muscles sometimes shake during lifts? I know it's normal, but why does it happen? I've searched the web for a good reason why muscles quiver and didn't find a clear answer. For instance, my chest always shakes during MIS. My other muscles rarely shake even if I work to complete...
  18. H

    Help- want to lose 8lbs in 1 month!!

    LAST EDITED ON Jul-29-01 AT 01:35PM (Est)[p]Stop focusing on your workout routine. It looks fine; you have a nice balance of cardio and strength work. Instead, clean up your diet. The sad truth is no amount of exercise will cover up a poor diet. And you will not be able to maintain that...
  19. H

    Where do I buy the stool and barbell used in PS Strength Series?

    RE: Mini-Step >I've seen that step cube on the internet, and I believe >SusanP said she's actually seen one, and that it was >nice and sturdy. So if the price isn't a deterent, >I don't see why you couldn't use that. I've seen the step cube and it is really sturdy. It's a very nice product.
  20. H

    Cardio of CTX -- Is it enough?

    Thanks Pamela and Lex! Thanks for the great information. I was a little worried about the new rotation but now I'm excited to give it a try. Especially after the winter holidays I'm going to need a shock to the system. Thanks again!