Barbell versus Weights


Hi Cathe:

I Was doing Power Hour this morning and I've noticed that I have a much easier time using free weights, versus the barbell, I can go heavier and it doesn't feel as straining. Does it really matter which one that I use? Also, doing Slow & Heavy legs last week I did a mixure of barbells and free weights for the exact same reason? On the static lunges I would start off with the barbell and then go to weights.

Thank You.
For me, I can lift heavier with a barbell. I also think I use better form. For biceps, as an example, I tend to use momentum when using dumbbells. I also find myself using a greater range of motion with my right arm (the stronger arm) than with my left. With a barbell though, I can't really rock my body and I use the same range of motion for both arms. Using the core stabilizations that Cathe uses in PH has really improved my form, but I still find that I like using a barbell more. I am not sure if there is a difference. I assume that if Cathe uses a barbell, and you want to use dumbbells, then go for it! You're still doing the exercises, right? I think what's important is what works for you. Have fun!
I've never had a barbell for the simple reason I have nowhere to put it, LOL. I use dumbbells for all exercises. It makes sense to me because I can use 12 lb dumbbells for squats, I only use 8's for tall box climb and lunges, 12's for biceps, 8's for triceps... I could never complete MIS with a 35 lb barbell like Cathe. I usually start out with 12's and as I fatigue I drop down to 10's and 8's.

I use different weights for most of my exercises so it makes more sense to me to grab a pair of dumbbells rather than changing weights on a barbell all the time.

Another thing I have noticed is that when I am trying to increase my weights if I can't finish the set with good form, rather than pause the tape and change a barbell, I can quick grab lighter dumbbells.

This works for me although if I had a barbell, who knows, I might be singing its praises. Do what ever works best for you. Hope this made some sense.
I tend to cheat with the barbell. My stronger side does far more of the work than my weaker side. I also think you get a better work out of the secondary stablizer muscles with the dumbbells.

For upper body work I use dumbbells. For lower body I use a curved barbell since my forearms get tired holding heavy dumbbell weights. The curved bar is fabulous.
I use dumbbells instead of a barbell. I got into this habit while doing the PS series when I was pregnant and could no longer do bent over rows with the barbell because my belly got in the way. :)

Now it's just too much of a hassle to get the bar out because my husband uses it too and he puts way more weight on it than I can handle. The only time I'd like to use it is when I'm doing the tricep dips or the presses in the MIS tape, but I can deal. Sometimes I put my daughter in my lap for the dips. She's only 25 lbs., but she has fun.
I didn't have a barbell for a long, long time. I did all my Cathe (and Firm) videos with dumbbells. About 6 months ago I finally purchased a barbell and the results have been dramatic. I have finally noticed definition in my arms and shoulders that I could not get with the dumbbells.

Now, I'm not exactly sure why this is, but one of my theories is that even though I can lift heavier with dumbbells, it's easier to assist yourself with momentum. The barbell makes me hold my form better, which may be why I am seeing better results. (Of course this doesn't apply to tall box work, lunges, dips, etc... doesn't seem to make any difference whether I use dumbbells or a barbell on my shoulders for these.)

This is just my personal experience.

Jeanne :)
Thanks for your input Jeanne, but I'm mostly referring to leg work, although that's interesting that you got more definition with dumbells for your arms. I still don't feel like I have the exact answer I'm looking for here so if anyone else would like to chime in, feel free.

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