defective tapes?


New Member
I've bought most of your tapes and use them regularly. My most recent purchase was the set of five "Express" workouts. Three of the tapes have gotten worn in parts to the point where they're unusable. This hasn't happened with any of the singly- purchased tapes. Is it possible that the set is defective?

I'll continue to look for anything new you put out. I think you're the best out there. I'm just very dissapointed about this particular investment, as I'm sure too much time has passed to return them.

Thanks for your attention to this matter.

Patty Rush
I had a problem with 2 or 3 Cathe tapes not working too. For example, I bought Bodymax years ago and had only done it maybe 5 times. I emailed the company about it, but they never responded which made me mad. I ended up having to buy it again. The same thing happened to 2 other step tapes.

Now, whenever a tape, for whatever reason, starts to wobble or the sound wavers, I panic since I really don't want to shell out another $20 for a tape I already purchased and hardly used.

Keep contacting customer service because CTX is a big investment. Maybe they've gotten better over the years. Good luck!
Try Again

I had one bad Cathe tape and emailed the company. Within hours I got a note saying a new tape had been shipped. They didn't even ask me to return the defective tape. They just asked that I discard it.

Tapes are more fragile than you might think. En route to you they are rattled and dropped and x-rayed at the post office. Some defective/abused tapes are bound to get into customer hands. But I was really impressed with the customer service.

I'd suggest you give customer service another try. Perhaps your email didn't reach them or just got lost in their system.
RE: Try Again

I had the same thing, I got MIC and it only sounded good on VCRs that played in stereo, my VCR was too old and MIC sounded very fuzzy. They didn't answer my first e-mail but answered my second with an apology and sent me a new MIC and let me keep the old one. Try again, they might have forgotten about you or never gotten your e-mail. My experience was very good.
RE: Try Again

Another very good experience here. I had a tape with some noise on it, and emailed customer service. Two hours later, they responded that would send me a new one- it came UPS two days later. It was also so nice that I did not have to return the first one. I think Cathe has GREAT customer service. Send them an email.

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