Help- want to lose 8lbs in 1 month!!


Active Member
I have 1 month until I go back to college.
My goal for the summer WAS to lose the stubborn fat on my stomach, and the layer of flab gained on my butt and thighs over the past year. I'd say losing about 8lbs would be good (I just need to lose more fat- I'm sure I'm toned underneath the fat).

Unfortunately, my eating habits have stunk, so I haven't lost any weight (although I do workout 4xs a week cardio, 2xs weights, 1x yoga). I just finished my summer job, so now I have lots of time to devote to working out.

I have tons of workout videos and a memebership to 2 nice gyms. Would it be ok to do, say, 1 tough cardio workout (spinning, running, or a tough Cathe tape) and 1 moderate workout (easier aerobics or kickboxing) on the same day, 4-5xs a week?? This would be for just 1 month! I would rest for 2 days.

Please give me any suggestions- I really want to lose weight!
I am by no means an expert at this, but let me pass on to you what others have repeatedly told me. Forget about how much you weigh! If my husband (a former competitor body builder) had his way, we would not even have a scale in our house. I tend to have an obsession with the number on the scale, but he (and others) have told me--care more about how you feel, not about weight! If you are eating healthy, and are working out regularly, that's what is important. Sometimes that "number" that we look for on the scale is misleading! Good luck and be healthy!
RE: Totally agree w/ 3XMOM

Throw the scale away! Focus on increasing performance indicators - how much you can lift and for how long, how much easier a formerly challenging cardio workout has gotten and increasing cardio challenge without increasing the time, etc. 3XMOM and her husband are right - the scale is the least important, and often the most deceptive, of progress measurements!

Hi Lay! I wouldn't do 2 cardios a day, rather you could split it up by doing cardio in the am and strength training in the pm. Definitely stick with your yoga for stretching and flexibility. Or you could do 1 cardio one day, and 1 total body workout another day. Doesn't matter, just as long as your getting 4x a week of cardio. Now we get to the real heart of losing those 8 lbs. which is your diet. Your really going to have to concentrate on this. NO JUNK FOOD! That even includes sodas and also go easy on juices. There's a thread on the Open Discussion regarding Clean Eating Challenge. By all means participate in this. Everyone who's participating will encourage you and help you along the way as well as give you further ideas on how to tweak your diet. Drink plenty of water and good luck! Kathy
Hey Lay - Well, first off, I'm sure you don't want to hear this but I agree with the others, throw your scale away! Now lets see, since your a college student, as am I, I know how these years are. First things first, if your drinking alcohol at all, cut that out of your life. That stuff will pack on the pounds and make them really hard to loose, I know from experiece! As far as the rest of your diet goes, try to cut back on as much sugar as possible. Go to your local health food store and buy an herb called Stevia, be sure to get the liquid Stevia. Put about a teaspoon in a glass of water two to three times a day and drink it. This stuff is safe for diabetics and is commonly used as a sugar substitute, only ten times sweeter. It works really good to controll sugar and carb cravings. And its not a diet suppliment so don't worry, its simply a natural alternative to sugar with added benefits. Second of all, don't go overboard on the cardio, you'll most likely burn out and not stick with it. My best advice for cardio is to do at least 45 minutes of either one of Cathe's tapes or running. Also, for a change, interval work on the track or with Cathe's Interval Max tape will do wonders for your legs as well as your fitness level. Do the cardio four to five times a week but be sure to take some days off, just don't take them off all at once. Spread them out so your not taking two days off in a row. Then hit the weights, since you've got the gym membership, put it to good use. After your cardio or on your days off head to the gym and focus on building muscle in your upper body. Not only will this extra muscle help you loose weight, but your buff shoulders and arms will give the effect of smaller hips and thights. I wouln't worry about weight training my lower half if your doing the interval work, its pretty intece and still gives good definition, otherwise do light weights and high reps for the lower half. Another bit of advice on the diet is to make sure you don't starve yourself, this can lead to "falling of the diet wagon," keep fruits and veggies around, they can make you feel full but burn off really fast. Drink lots of water, it helps keep you full not to mention it helps give you an awsome complextion. And be sure to take a multivitamin and add some extra calcium in there, I like to use Citracal because I don't get any bad side effects like gas. Not only are you warding off osteoperosis, but it will help your muscles recover so your good to go the next day! I hope this helps you. I've been there and I know how it can feel but you'll get there! Good Health
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-29-01 AT 01:35PM (Est)[/font][p]Stop focusing on your workout routine. It looks fine; you have a nice balance of cardio and strength work.

Instead, clean up your diet. The sad truth is no amount of exercise will cover up a poor diet. And you will not be able to maintain that exercise level when you return to classes. Even if you can burn off those 8 pounds with exercise, they'll be back by October. You could maintain a better diet, which would give a chance to keep your fat off the body.

Good luck!

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