Bodymax circuits


Active Member
Can anyone actually do the over-the-step lunges at the end of the last power circuit?

I'm sure it's actually some sort of trick photography - the same as the tuck jumps in the last interval of Imax!

Seriously though, how long did it take you to be able to do these?

I use a Reebok step, which is actually shorter in length than the Step Co step in the video, and I still can't get over it. I can do maybe 2 or 3 but then I'm tripping and cussing. I am determined to keep trying until I get it but I'm so frustrated. :-(

Any advice?

Hi Tee,

I have trouble with this too and I also use the Reebok step. I believe it's just a matter of getting yourself lower on the lunges so that you can reach the end of the step. However, at that point I am very fatigued and it's hard to go low and lunge. For that reason I tend to skip this part for my own safety. ;-) Also, be SURE to put the step at the lowest setting! This may not have helped you too much, but at least you're not the only one.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-02 AT 01:24PM (Est)[/font][p]I do the over the step lunges. My step is the Reebok 5-step, it's only about 2 or 2.5 feet wide. I lower all the way, like she says (for me this is 5" high) and I think they are no problem- I always wonder why I lower the step! But it does look like it would be HARRRD to do on a real Step Co. step!!

PS I love Body Max! It's the best Cathe ever- IMHO
I wouldn't think you would need to lower it if you are on the shorter reebok step. Mine is the gray/black one that to me seems to be almost the same lenght as the Step Co., or at least within a few inches. I couldn't imagine even doing the stuff in cathe's videos on a shorter step - I'd fly right off the end.
You can also do as many as you can with the step and them do them behind the step, but without the step. I have a bad knee and it's too much to do them on the step (nor do I think I have the energy at that point), so I always just do them without a step.

Sorry Tee,but I never did have any problems with the last interval oof body max and when I feel like it I don't lower my step either.That way,of course, is a little harder. The floor is not quit as close but I am with the other girls.It has a lot to do with the length of your step,but you could always try just touching the back of the step close to the corner until you can get all the way around to the end.
hope you master time Im sure you will,
I love that move but then again the lunge is my favourite step move anyway. It took some getting used to, but it's so much fun!
Maybe I could, but I don't. I dislike that move. In fact, I have one CIA video that has so them right at the beginning and hence I have neer been able to get into that video. Jeanne
How true...we all hate something don't we? Ironically my least favourite move OFF the step is lunges, while my fave ON the step is lunges. Go figure.
That is true...your like myself.I don't mind lunges on the step but I hate leg work in general.Its to hard.I do it but I don;t look forward to it.Although I didn't find S&H leg work to bad.Before I put the tape it I thought that it was going to be the end of me.....but i'm still here.Which reminds me...thats what I should do today.I would like to do all the slow and heavy series in one day.Maybe I will send my husband out on his dirt bike, then I won't feel so guilty for doing 3 hours of weight
Maybe it has something to do with leg length? It seems possible, given how long that step is. Are any relatively tall or long-legged folks having trouble with the move?

I do the move and love it. To do it I consciously hop my whole body closer to the side of the step I'll be lunging off of at each leg change. Also, do you have the Step Works video? In that video Cathe shows modifications for that move. The first involves lunging to the back of the step instead of the side, the next level is lunging to the side of the step but not off it. HTH. --Karen
>Are any relatively
>tall or long-legged folks having
>trouble with the move?

I'm tallish (5'8"), but really long legged (33 inch in-seam -- try finding that in a clothing store!)

Guess what, I still struggle with this move. I usually do the first half of the series going side to side ove the step. The second half I do going wide, behind the step. But yowza, it's tough.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-12-02 AT 08:19PM (Est)[/font][p]Do you have Step Works? Cathe does the over the end lunges in that workout too, but more of them, so you can practice your technique. I think this prepared me for Body Max's circuits. I am 5'7" but have a longer torso and shorter legs. I really rebound up so when I land, I come down on the side of my step, not in the middle. Cathe kind of comes down on the sides too. I believe she is 5'1" or 5'2". Doesn't she make it look effortless? Now let's not even begin to talk about the last interval in Imax!?! I just have to ask - who installed the spring board under Cathe's floor, and where can I get one?
I can do the over the long end of the step lunges. I just have to concentrate really hard or else I will lose balance and fall on my face!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-13-02 AT 12:06PM (Est)[/font][p]I can't. I tried a few times, but just stick with the regular over the top lunges and add hight. I also have the Reebok step.
It may have something to do with how tall you are. I'm 5'3" and can't do it, and my step doesn't go as low as Cathe's.

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