brand new to the Cathe workout


New Member
Hi, i have been reading these reviews for the last few days. From what i hear these videos are really tough and intense, which is what i'm looking for. Prior to finding out about these videos, i have been doing Taebo (Get ripped series) which i do like, but looking for a more challenging and workout. I have lost some weight but i keep reaching these plateaus, and i don't feel much of a workout from the taebo tapes anymore. So i will be purchasing these new workout tapes and see how i will like them.
Welcome Tweetybird! You came to the right place! Which videos are you thinking about getting? If you like kickboxing, Cardio Kicks is the best! Of course, all of Cathe's tapes are amazing...
I"m thinking of getting the 12 pack dvd which includes the cross train series and the slow and heavy series and some of the other series included in the package for $189. i think this will keep me busy for a while! I'm definitely ready for a challenge. I do like the kickboxing, so I think the Cardio Kicks will be a favorite. I"m also looking forward to some actual high impact aerobics. The aerobics that I have done on tv, i barely feel a sweat, so I hope I will like this one.
Hi! Welcome to the wonderful world of Cathe. I was curious as to your prior stepping experience. Cathe can be a bit tricky to learn and hence frustrating to some, so fair warning. This of course is not meant to scare you off, just to let you know what to possibly expect, and if frustration does occur....we'll help you thru it b/c Cathe is worth it!!

Ready for a challenge, huh

Normally I wouldn't suggest this for someone starting Cathe, but you might try IntervalMax. It's an intense fat burning step workout, but the choreography is probably some of the easiest in the Cathe series. It certainly is not a beginner tape, but since you are starting out at an intermediate or advanced level you might find the intensity appropriate. Also you said you were OK with some impact moves and the intensity drills are mostly higher impact stuff.

BTW, most people cannot do IMAX all the way through the first (or second or tenth) time. So don't feel bad if you can only make it through part of the workout. Interval work is tough stuff.

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