My rotation for weight loss


Active Member
Hi Guys,

I just started a new rotation this week. My main goal is weight loss of about 20 lbs. can you please comment on that and let me know if I should change anything ?

Sunday - Upper body weights (self) + 30 min cardio (step)
Monday - Lower body weights (LL)
Tuesday - 45 min cardio (Tae-Bo Gett Ripped)
Wed - Rest
Thursday - Upper + Lower body weights (mixed together)
+ 30 min cardio
Friday - 45 min cardio (Tae-Bo)
Sat - Rest

Comments to consider:
* I usually use light weights 5-8 lbs
* I eat 1400-1500 calories

Thanks !!!!

Hi Anat. I'm "restarting" my cleaner eating today in hopes of losing the weight I recently gained back after an almost 10 lb loss. Your rotation looks pretty good. Is your Thursday workout a circuit workout like Circuit Max?? Have you thought about replacing one of your Tae Bo workouts with Interval Max?? Sorry for all the questions...What comprises your 1400-1500 calories and last, but not least, why not go heavier with your weights?? Good luck to you on your weight loss efforts, I"m right there with ya!

Hi Stacy ! Good questions...

I'll try to answer each one...

* Thursday workout - no it is not Circuit Max but rather a wts circuit that I do on my own without any tape. Circuit Max seems to be difficult for me...

* Tae Bo - I love those tapes !!! they work every inch of my body. Imax, last time I tried it (6 months ago), was also too difficult for me. I may need to try and do it again.

As for my diet.... that's the most difficult part for me. I LOVE to eat all day long. I'd rather snack than have full meals.
Now, I live in Israel and we have different foods here, but I can give you a breakdown of what I was thinking:

Breakfast - 1 cup soy milk + 1 cup whole-grain cereal
OR 2 whole-wheat bread + light cream cheese/cottage
cheese + tomato

Snack - fruit

Lunch - Vegetables + protein (chicken, tofu, cheese, fish)+ potato/rice/beans (or other carbs), 1 cup

snack - fat free yogurt + fruit (prior to exercise)

Dinner - normally like breakfast.

Dessert - 2 fat free chocholate popsicles


Again, keep in mind that I am from a different country so I have different foods here...

Good luck with your weight loss !!!

Jumpin' in

[font color=red]Food plan [/font]- Overall that diet looks good. Approximately how many calories are you eating each day? It seems like you may be going a bit too low for your activity level.

Three things to think about:

• Your protein is concentrated at the middle of the day and you might try getting some protein in the breakfast and dinner meals. Twenty four hours is a long time to go without eating some protein, especially when you are lifting weights.

• Personally, I couldn't eat the rice or potato and continue to lose weight. Simple carbs are a real problem for me, but everyone's metabolism is unique. If they don't present a problem for you they are excellent nutritional choices. Your other carbohydrate choices are mostly complex carbs that are nutritional powerhouses.

• The other potential problem is the soy milk. The soy milk sold in the US is loaded with sugar. Some of the light soy milk products have more than 20 grams of simple carbs - that's more than a cookie or piece of candy. It's worth taking a look at the nutrition label, because the formulation is probably completely different in your location.

[font color=red]Exercise[/font] - A solid, balanced plan.

My only comment would be the lack of interval work, but you may already incorporate that. The goal is to work especially hard, then work at your bottom range while you recover. You are forcing your heart to recover under working conditions which is why intervals really improve cardio health. You may find that interval blasts are incorporated into your step or TaeBo workouts without being mentioned. If they aren't you should look for a way to include them in your fitness plan. Perhaps one interval from IMAX added to your step workout. You can build from there.

When your weight loss slows you may have to incorporate some light cardio into one rest day. Just a walk or something to kick start the fat burning. One rest day is essential, but as you get closer to your goal you may need to use that second day as a plateau buster.

Good luck! And keep us posted on your success.

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