Too heavy to start running?? help


Dear Cathe and All!

I am 36 yrs old .. 5'4" and i weigh 198..very big.. but i can hang doing your workouts pretty good... they have given me great results.. i have lost some weight and love doing your workouts.. as i have told you before.. My question is.. to have a little variety in my cardio i was considering starting to run/jog.. Would you advise someone as overweight as i am to try that .. or what do you think .. I really appreciate your responses considering how very busy your life is .. i hope you are doing great.. You and anyone who has experience would u please let me know what u think? I read these threads every night and find them so motivating and informative. I read that changing your cardio will help with results.. i currently do all of cathes tapes.. as well as her weight training ones.. should i lose another 20 lbs before starting to run.. or go for it? HELP..
love to all
Kandey: I'm definitely not Cathe, or an exerperienced runner at all, but for what it is worth, here is my .02! Believe it or not, you and I are the same age, height, and just about the same weight!! LOL. From my experience in the past, only you will know for yourself if you are ready to start jogging/running. You mentioned you have been doing Cathe and doing pretty good. If I were you, I would start off with small jogging/running goals. Over at there is a great beginners corner over there. It alternates walking so many minutes and running so many minutes, etc. It might be a good idea to check that out and go for a trial "run" and see how you do. Just like doing anything new, you will need to build up to it. Good luck!
I would agree with kanrid on this one.I run alot...mostly in the summer...up to about 10km every day.I am the same height as you but i am 122 pounds and I find my knees get bad every summer.It all as alot to do with the way you run and how your feet land.Beleive me running and aerobics are not the same thing.I find it takes alot more out of me to run then it does to do step.But if you want to start why don't you walk and add some jogging in a little at atime, plus do your cathe tapes and I m sure the weight will come off...and then you could eventually go longer and longer. Hope I helped....
The more you weigh, the more stress on the knee, there's no doubt about that. Also, if your knees bow in or out at all, there will be a lot of extra stress. But if you are careful and back off if there is a lot of soreness, you can go ahead and try it.
Hi Kandey!

I am 36 years old, 5'5 and I weigh more than you - maybe 220 or so - and I have begun jogging again about 6 months ago. I, too, can do Cathe workouts - in fact, I work out anywhere from 4 to 6 times a week and have been doing so for almost 3 years. I love her weight workouts and I also do kickboxing. And I don't run everyday, though I did have a stretch where I ran about 5 days in a row, and it got easier every day! I usually only run on weekends now, but as we get into summer I plan to increase it.
My two main tips are: Listen to your body, and get well padded shoes! I run on a fitness trail that has sawdust over dirt, and it's great for cushioning. I tried running on pavement one day and it was really hard. It's true, the heavier you are, the more pressure on your knees and feet, so find somewhere appropriate to run, and get padded shoes.
I also started out running just in spurts and walking the rest, and now I usually do about 2 miles when I run. I worked my way up to be doing a full lap, and I plan to keep increasing my runs till I can do two laps this summer.
You are the best judge of what you can and can't do. Believe me, your body will tell you. Sometimes I'm out on the trail and I think "Why am I doing this? Who am I kidding? I'm not losing tons of weight and everyone probably wonders who that fat lady is and why she's trying to jog - it obviously isn't working!" But those are the very bad days and I just keep going. I workout because it makes me feel good and I try not to worry about what anyone else might think if they see me struggling.
Give it a try! If I can do it, you can too - and one day you'll be slogging along thinking "who am I kidding" and that second wind will hit you and you'll run further than you thought you could. Afterwards, you'll feel like a champion!

Runner = all shapes, all sizes!

You have to try it to know how it will be for you. If you read runner's world, there's a catgory called the Clydesdales, which is what they call the tall, heavy runners. You don't have to be small to run. Get a good pair of running shoes and just do it! I love running! I run 25 miles a week plus strength train and sometimes add a Cathe workout or two. Every one is different. The only way to see if you have an inner runner is to run! Have fun. It's my favorite form of exercise!

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
Thanks to all of you .. yall are the best.. i really appreciate the positive feedback.. yall are seriously firing me up !!!! I'm going buy some running shoes this weekened.. i wear ryka for aerobics.. any suggestions for running?.. love yall
Hi Kandeycane,
I would definitely encourage you to start doing running/walking intervals. I started running shortly after I quit smoking almost 7 years ago. It's very hard when you first start, but trust me, it gets easier each time and before you know it, you will be addicted to running. I mainly run for stress release. It's an incredible high. I also believe it helps with weightloss more than any form of cardio (that's just my opinion and what worked for me). I could barely do 1/4 mile when I started and was up to 3 miles in about 6 weeks. GO FOR IT!

My sister lost about 100 pounds since last year and running was the biggest factor besides a good diet and weight training. She is about 5'9" and weighed almost 300 pounds. We used a book that was not only inspirational but fabulous as far as a program to follow. I'd recommend it: The Complete Book of Running for Women; Everything You Need to Know About Training, Nutrition, Injury Prevention, Motivation, Racing and Much More by Claire Kowalchik.
Good luck!

Hi Kandey, congratulations on starting a running program! Like everyone else said, start out slow and pay attention to your body. A walk/run program is an excellent way to start.

As far as shoes go, may I suggest going to a running specialty store in your area? They will help you choose the right shoe for you. is a fantastic online resource, but you can't try their shoes on. If you're buying your first pair, I'd think you would want to 1) talk to a running shoe pro and 2) try them on and walk/jog around in them to make sure they are comfortable. Heavier runners need a certain type of running shoe. You need cushioning, stability & motion control to protect your knees & ankles from injury. Mazuno makes shoes for bigger runners that are very popular. New Balance 991 is an excellent stabillity shoe. Nike has several models too. Your shoes will be the most important investment you make in running, so be as informed as possible!

I post a Running check-in every monday - join us and let us know how you're doing!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-02-02 AT 00:01AM (Est)[/font][p]When I started running I was far over my ideal weight. I'm not sure, but I think it was at least 30 lbs. I never had a serious injury even though I ran several times a week. Some things that worked for me:

• Use a treadmill. A well-made treadmill helps to absorb the impact so it will help protect your joints.

• Stretch before/after every run and warm up slowly. Warming up to impact allows your joints to lubricate themselves for your activity. (Sounds gross, but true.)

• When your body is tired or achy just walk. If your body isn't 100% don't push too hard.

Good luck and keep us posted on your success!
I'm currently 5'8" and 207 lbs., and I run 4 mornings/week, but I was over 240 lbs. when I started back in September. I went to my doctor first, which I really suggest, and she gave me a green light with a caution sticker to stick to a conservative plan, lay off at the first sign of joint irritation, and to buy myself a new pair of running shoes and replace them often.

My SO is 5'11" and 190 lbs., and his arches are so low he has to wear motion control shoes that are built like tanks. The two of us always shop at Road Runner Sports, but then again, we happen to live 5 miles from the store/wherehouse in San Diego (what good fortune!). I second the recommendation to find a running specialty store in your area.

The book on women's running by Claire Kowalchik (sp?) is really good, I agree and chock full of all sorts of useful advice. The most inspiring book I've encountered for beginning runners recently is "The Courage to Start" by John Bingham, who was middle-aged and overweight when he decided to start running.

If you decide to start, best of luck, and I'm sure you'll know what's right for you personally.

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