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  1. R

    March Rotation/Hardcore Series Celebration

    What a great idea, Stephanie! I haven't used the Timesavers in awhile ... they'll be a perfect substitute for the light runs. Thanks!! Robin
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    March Rotation/Hardcore Series Celebration

    What a fantastic rotation ... I am truly lovin' this series, Cathe. I think it is brilliant ... your best ever! Question for those who have done the premixes ... is there any short cardio premix that I can use to substitute for the 20 minute light runs in the Strength Rotation? I would...
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    Growing old with Cathe

    I'll be hitting the big 5-O in a few months and am still going strong and in great shape ... thanks 100% to Cathe! I do my step workouts on a 10" step, match Cathe or go heavier on weights and haven't had any joint problems at all ... and I've been using Cathe tapes since I turned 40. I...
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    Is 8" the highest suggested height of the STEP?

    RE: Is 8 I've been using my Reebok Step on 10 inches for ALL my step workouts for about 6 years. I'm 5'7" and am going to be 50 in a few months (yikes!!). I've never had any problems whatsoever and really enjoy the extra intensity. Robin
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    Cathe or SNM: Complexity of the Hardcore Series?

    Ditto here too ... I'm back and forth on pre-ordering because I'm afraid that some of the workouts will not be as advanced and I won't use them. I LOVE Cathe because her workouts are not only fun but also the most challenging on the market ... Cathe, will these workouts be truly "HARDCORE"...
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    Who Are Your Celeb Heartthrobs?

    Gotta be George Harrison...sigh...I miss him so much...a beautiful man inside and out ... Robin
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    Question about Hardcore Pre-Sale

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    Hardcore Presale starts Now!

    Does anyone know how long the presale will last? Thanks! Robin
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    HELP! Burning shins when doing PLB lower body ball work!

    RE: HELP! Burning shins when doing PLB lower body ball... Hey Ladies, I experienced the same shin pain myself the first couple times I did the floor work on PLB and after careful observation I realized that I was unconsiously flexing my feet with way too much muscular tension (really "digging"...
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    Imax2 BlastMania Premix

    Carole, I did my IMax 1 Blast yesterday as a HIIT session AFTER working my legs Freestyle. It took me a long time to get myself to do weight work FIRST, before cardio, as Freestyle suggests, but it sure does make a difference (those legs were shakin'!!). Have fun "making" your IMax 1 Blast ...
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    When will I peak

    Hey Susan - I keep wondering when I'll peak too! I'll be 50 next year and I've been working out consistantly with Cathe since Power Max (I started out with the Firms). I'm happy to report that not only am I lifting heavier than ever, but I still do all my stepping on a 10" step (not...
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    Imax2 BlastMania Premix

    I LOVE the IMax Blasts!! Here's what I've done: I made my own Blast work out from IMax 1 (from the video to DVD on my DVD recorder) and when I'm feeling like the energizer bunny, I do IMax 1 and IMax 2 blasts together - 20 intervals - for a good work out that lasts approx. one hour ...
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    Cathe DVD Mix Rotations

    Woo-hoo!! Thanks, Jilly ... I WILL have fun :-) Robin
  14. R

    Freestyle Training

    I'm adding my vote for a Cathe Freestyle Series - this would be totally awesome and just what I'm looking for!! Pleeeeeeeese Cathe??!!?? RC
  15. R

    To Jillybean

    I just wanted to chime in here and that I may do Cathe's workouts, but I do Jillybean's rotations! She is just fantastic at putting together the perfect workout week! Jilly, I'm bumping up the thread below, in case you missed it...
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    Body Blast/Intensity Series Rotation

    O.K, Jilly ... I finished your incredible BB/IS Rotation ... How 'bout another one using both series? I love the way you combine the two - you are way better at it than I am! Please? :-) TIA Robin
  17. R

    TS workout #1 - those push-ups!!

    I did them yesterday for the first time and woke up this morning soooo sore in my pec area .... and I NEVER get sore from Cathe's weight work anymore ! Now I know I'm not alone ! Robin
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    Delicious milk substitue, low carb, high protein!!!

    Where did you buy it, BooBoo? I live in San Diego, too ! Robin
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    Body Blast/Intensity Series Rotation

    This is an awesome rotation, Jillybean ... you are a genius !!! Robin
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    Step Blast Freeze - Help!

    Thanks, Guys! I tried SJP today with no glitches (I LOOOOOOOOVED it, BTW), so I went back and cleaned the disc again, this time with cold water and low and behold, the SB freeze is history !! Thanks again for your help ! Robin