Step Blast Freeze - Help!


I just did Step Blast for the first time and LOVE it...I do have a problem, though...

Does anyone else get a freeze in the DVD just after the last blast and before the cool down? My freezes at that point every time and jumps back to the menu. I have a brand new top of the line Sony DVD recorder, so I'm thinking its a bad disc ...anyone?

Thanks guys,

Robin, That doesn't happen to mine, maybe you can try cleaning the disc first then try it again. I think it happen to me with a different disc and I clean it and then it work. Hope this works:)
Thanks, Barbara ... I tried cleaning it, but no luck. I'm puzzled, because I had no problems at all with the Intensity Series ...

No problem my last resort would be to try it in another player if you have one or email SNM.

Hi I am editing this to ask you what happens with the SJ&P video? Does the same thing happen. How are all the other BB series if you have them? To me it sounds like you have a bad disc.
Hi Robin! I tried my SB DVD in my Sony DVD recorder to see if I would have the problem you are describing. Mine played through with no problems. You could have a defective DVD.

Take care! :)
I have little freezes on some of the DVD's as they go from one segment to the next, but I have not had a problem with the workout jumping back to the menu. I just did StepBlast the other day and had no problems but i did notice a slight freeze going from the warmup to the workout. I also have a new Sony 5 disc player per SNM's recommendation.
Thanks, Guys!

I tried SJP today with no glitches (I LOOOOOOOOVED it, BTW), so I went back and cleaned the disc again, this time with cold water and low and behold, the SB freeze is history !!

Thanks again for your help !


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