Is 8" the highest suggested height of the STEP?


I have been working out with my step for YEARS. I have always used the 8" height no matter what workout or my level of condition, I would just adjust my workout. For example, if I was feeling tired, I would part of the workout on the step and maybe do a few moves on the floor.

I am 5'3", even though the tape measure says that I am 5'2". (really, in the 80's, with my hair, I was a lot taller!).

Anyway, does anyone use a bench height of more than 8"? I have never given this a second thought but wondered if there was a reason to do cardio with a maximum height of 8" for your platform.

Of course, I know that the High Step is higher, I am asking about step workouts such as Step Blast and SJP. Thanks.
RE: Is 8

Hi Jackie!

I've been doing step aerobics since 1990, and, like you I generally use the 8" level of my step. The step I've used for most of that time has been the Step Reebok bench which adjusts from 6" to 10". I have used the 10" step for shorter length workouts but for Cathe's workouts which are usually nearly an hour in length I really think 10" is tough on your joints. That's how I feel anyway. Give it a try if you're feeling extra energetic. I certainly wouldn't do it every time out. Oh, by the way, you may find the 10" height for step aerobics is a little too high for you at 5'3". I'm 5'7 1/2" and as I said it was quite a bit tougher than the 8". Good luck

RE: Is 8

I feel that 8" is high enough. I was just wondering if anyone actually stepped higher than that on a regular basis. To tell you the truth, on some of Cathe's moves, I would break my neck trying to step any higher!:eek:

Trust me, I barely make it through Step Blast as it is right now. Thanks for your reply!;)
RE: Is 8

I never go higher than 8 inches. Why would I? There are better, safer ways to increase intensity I reckon.

Clare :)
RE: Is 8

I've heard people post that they use 10" regularly. I think they were at least average height people (5' 4" last time I checked). What I do know is that when this has been asked before, Cathe says that 10" isn't safe and she doesn't recommmend it.

I too am 5' 7 1/2" (that half inch is sooooo important, ain't it?) and I don't ever use 10" as it would hurt my knees, but I'm 47 and broke my legs as a teenager, one in the knee, so I have to be careful.

I guess my advice to you is not to do it (10") very often if you do it at all and be careful about what feedback you get from your body. I would jump higher instead of raising that critical knee angle so much, but that's just me.
RE: Is 8

I've read Cathe suggesting before that anything 10'' or higher is not good for your knees and could be dangerous.

I always use 6'' for all of Cathe's step workouts (except HSTA, I use 8'' with the high step cardio for that one) because I'm only 5'00 and when I use 8'' I'm tripping all over the place.

I use 8'' for any other instructor's step workouts but for Cathe, I stick with 6''. I can do the steps easier without tripping and my heartrate is up where it should be anyway.
RE: Is 8

I've been using my Reebok Step on 10 inches for ALL my step workouts for about 6 years. I'm 5'7" and am going to be 50 in a few months (yikes!!). I've never had any problems whatsoever and really enjoy the extra intensity.

RE: Is 8

I'm 5'3" as well, & I can guarantee you if I tried 10" (on the step, of course) I'd break at least one ankle & end up flat on my a$$.
RE: Is 8

Since I haven't measured my step height and don't remember what the height is, I use the Step with 2 risers. Is that 8" or 10" in.? I hate to say this because I probably will jinx myself, but I have never had a twinge of pain in my knees and I usually use a Step at 3-4x per week. I also don't have the high step and use a chair for leg presses. So far so good. By the way, what is the height of her high step?
RE: Is 8

From the ACE website:

"The American Council on Exercise® endorses these guidelines.

Platform height

Platform height is dependent on the exerciser's level of aerobic fitness, current skill with step training, and degree of knee flexion when the knee is fully loaded while stepping up. Deconditioned individuals should begin on four inches while highly skilled and experienced steppers can use 10 inches. The most common height is eight inches.

Regardless of fitness level or skill, participants should not exercise on a platform height that causes the knee joint to flex deeper than 90 degrees when the knee is fully loaded (when all the body weight is on the leg of the first upward step). Individuals with chronic knee problems should seek their physician's approval to perform step training."

10 inches = the Original Step platform plus three risers under each end.
RE: Is 8

>Is Cathe using a 6 or 8 inch step on the videos?
In her earlier videos, she's using 8". In more recent workouts, she uses 6".
RE: Is 8

I am only 5'2". I often use 10 inches. But then I will take the power or impact out of moves when I can. Note some moves aren't ammenable to taking out the jump or you'll twist a knee or something.
RE: Is 8

I have to be the weanie for awhile because my orthopedic surgeon says I can't go any higher than 4" because he says stepping is hard on the knees. I am hoping to cheat and go back to 6" but I personally won't go any higher than that. I know the knee pain to well.
RE: Is 8

I'm almost 5'11" and I use just a 6 inch height for Cathe's step workouts. I still get very intense workouts and I've eliminated most, if not all, of the knee pain I used to get when I used an 8 inch step. (If I used a 10 inch step, I'd probably crack my head on my basement ceiling!).

RE: Is 8

>Thanks for the reply. that's what I thought. Is there a
>reason why she's gone down to 6?

I read that Cathe now uses a 6 inch step because of an injury she had years ago. When she was in rehab, she was training on a 6" height at that time and found that she got pretty winded, so she stuck w/ that because it works for her.
RE: Is 8

If you raise platform height, be mindful to carefully place the first foot down; that's the source of the greatest impact. The tendency is to let it drop the extra distance or short-step (i.e., step on the ball of the foot without placing the heel on the floor).
Also, try it for part of a workout once a week and gradually build, allowing your body to get accustomed to it.

If knee, ankle, or calf issues develop, back off a little.
RE: Is 8

I am 5'5" and for Cathe's step workouts use a 6" step. I find that an 8" height bothers my knees and I can't do all the intesity moves quite as effectively. I get less tired and therefore am able to do a much more intense workout on a 6" step. Does that make sence?
RE: Is 8

The best advice I ever heard on this subject is to use the lowest step height possible which still gives you a decent workout. This is intended, I understand, to lower the impact on the knees as much as possible while still keeping your heartrate up where you need it. I gather it's highly individual.
I'm with Cathe on this one...the height she uses now happens to be perfect for me. I have to admit, it made me feel better when she started using it! LOL

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