Is 8" the highest suggested height of the STEP?

RE: Is 8

>I'm with Cathe on this one...the height she uses now happens
>to be perfect for me. I have to admit, it made me feel better
>when she started using it! LOL

Me,too! I am so glad to hear several of you say you use the 6" and are "not ashamed to admit it". ;-) I was beginning to feel like a real wimp for getting so winded on the 6 when so many of you were 8"ers. I like the advice about using the "lowest you can and still feel challenged".

I notice that Rhonda is the only 8"er in the newer videos. Is this because she's so tall? She bounces right through every tape like it was nothing.

RE: Is 8

>>>I have to be the weanie for awhile because my orthopedic surgeon says I can't go any higher than 4" because he says stepping is hard on the knees.

This seems odd since stepping was "invented" by Gin Miller who was told to step as part of her knee therapy.
RE: Is 8

Hi Anna,

That sage advice ;) came from the very knowledgeable Charlene Prickett, my 2nd favourite workout queen.

Not that she ever lowers her own step though! She can do an entire workout on a 10" step while talking/cueing every minute & never run out of breath...she's 53 & amazing!

Rhonda almost always has her step higher than most of the others...I always assumed it was because of her height.

Ruth :)
RE: Is 8

Since I am almost the only one using 10 inches, I'll pop back in and add this: I have never experienced any knee problems. However, the balls of my feet get sore when I do a lot of high impact. I also get a nerve pinch in my toes. So as I mentioned, I raise my step, but take out the impact.

(Admittedly, I probably just need better shoes, but since I quit working to stay at home with my daughter, we are on a very tight budget. And she needs new shoes every 3-4 months herself.)

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