Cathe or SNM: Complexity of the Hardcore Series?


New Member
Hi Cathe/SNM,

Just wondering about the complexity of IM3 and Low Max? I have a few Cathes and I enjoy IM and MIC although I don't do it regularly. I could get the moves in a couple of tries. I also have Rhythmic Step and Step Blast both of which I have never mastered in almost a year. I just get frustrated with all the complex steps. Before I purchase the Hardcore Series, I'm wondering if the steps of IM3 and Low Max will be complex? Will Low Max also use the step? I don't mind intensity. Hope you can give me an idea. Thanks in advance.

I'd also be curious to this answer, although I feel opposite-I love Step Blast & Rhythmic Step, got them on my first try, for the most part, and would love to see LowMax have even more complexity-especially since the intensity may not be as high due to it being low impact!
I say bring it on! Love complexity! :)
>I'd also be curious to this answer, although I feel
>opposite-I love Step Blast & Rhythmic Step, got them on my
>first try, for the most part, and would love to see LowMax
>have even more complexity-especially since the intensity may
>not be as high due to it being low impact!
>I say bring it on! Love complexity! :)

Ditto! I love the dancy, complex coreography step workouts. They are so much fun, I don't notice where the time goes. I get just as good of a workout and burn as much, if not more calories with dancy step as I do with IMAX and IMAX2, because I am able to work harder without being forced to and totally enjoy it.
Ditto here too ... I'm back and forth on pre-ordering because I'm afraid that some of the workouts will not be as advanced and I won't use them. I LOVE Cathe because her workouts are not only fun but also the most challenging on the market ... Cathe, will these workouts be truly "HARDCORE"???

I'd love to know this also...because I'm a klutzy intensity lover!!! If the steps are too complex, I'll just trip myself.
Klutz here would at least like the LowMax to be high in Intensity but low on complex. Otherwise I will trip over my 2 boys and my kitten.

Totally count me in for INTENSITY & Complexity! I want it HARDCORE! Pls tell us the name is true Cathe....

sorry so greedy.... but I LOVE your good HARD Intense stuff and want more!

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