Cathe DVD Mix Rotations


Cathe DVD Mix Rotation #1:
Sat. CTX 10-10-10 warm up, kick box, and hi/lo sections, then skip the step and do kick/punch combos 1, 2, and 3 from KP&C. Do KP&C abs and stretch.
Sun. ME upper body premix, stop it before the abs, and do the arm drills from CTX Kickbox. Go back and do ME abs and stretch
Mon. Before you start the workout, set your PLB/PUB DVD to the last set of deadlifts (the 12 rep set). Then do the following: CTX Power Circuit warm up, hi/lo, and step and kickbox circuits, then stop before the back work and do one set of deadlifts, the calf work, ball work, and stretch from PLB. (Note: you can set the PLB DVD at an earlier starting point if you want to do more than 1 set of deadlifts).
Tues. PUB or Push Pull upper body 2 sets premix going as heavy as possible.
Wed. Body Max warm up and step only (not the power circuits), then do the MIS lower body segment and the abs and stretch from either MIS or Body Max.
Thu. SJ&P step and hi/lo premix, then do the heavy upper body premix from C&W and the C&W stretch.

Cathe DVD Mix Rotation #2:
Sat. Imax II
Sun. Do the BC upper and lower body premix 2x’s then do BC core only premix 1 time and BC stretch.
Mon. CK
Tue. SJ&P warm up and step, then do Push Pull, skipping the warm up.
Wed. MIC (sorry)
Thu. L&G standing only premix, skip stretch, then do MIS upper body all the way through the stretch, skipping the warm up and lower body section.

Cathe DVD Mix Rotation #3:
Sat. Body Max
Sun. CTX Kickbox, skip the bis, abs, and stretch and do hi/lo sections 3 and 4 from SJ&P then SJ&P abs and stretch.
Mon. CTX Leaner Legs and floor work only premix from L&G (sorry!) do LL abs and stretch.
Tue. SJ&P warm up and step, then do the step from CTX Step Intervals, skipping the warm up. Do CTX chest and shoulders and CTX Step Intervals stretch.
Wed. Do CTX upper body skipping chest and shoulders and do CTX All step abs and stretch.
Thu. The Gauntlet. If you don’t have The Gauntlet, do Imax II warm up, Imax II intervals 1-7, then the BC upper and lower body premix and BC stretch.

Cathe DVD Mix Rotation #4:
Sat. Circuit Max
Sun. Supersets lower body blast premix, then do floor work and abs from PS Strong Legs and abs.
Mon. All Step warm up and step, then do C&W all step premix step sections 1 and 2 only, then do either C&W abs and stretch or All Step abs and stretch.
Tue. PS SL&A standing, then do L&G floor work and KP&C abs.
Wed. SJ&P step and hi/lo section 1, then do PS CS&T skipping warm up.
Wed. Step Blast warm up and step sections 1 and 2, then do PS BB&A skipping warm up.
Thu. KP&C and L&G premix of your choice
Thanks for the cool rotation! I've been checking back every few days to see if you posted anything. I will look this over and probably do it in April! Looks like fun!
Thanks a lot!
Debbie in OH

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