Freestyle Training

Oh, I so agree! I am a pear shape and I need to get rid of these inner thighs and saddlebags!!! I think I've even figured out how Cathe could do it. It could be a series like CTX, one particular workout per day.

Monday - The first workout could be a standing legs workout + 45 min. of cardio
Tuesday - Second workout: Upper Body (a S&H type since pear shapes mostly need to build the upper body a bit - includes abwork)
Wednesday - Floorwork for the legs + 45 min. of cardio
Thursday - Pilates for the legs and abs + 45-60 min. of cardio
Friday - Repeat standing legs workout + 45 min. of cardio
Saturday - Maybe a ball workout with very light weights (includes legwork & abwork too) (maybe a little cardio here too?)
Sunday - Rest

This would be my dream freestyle workout! And I hope Cathe creates it one day. What does everyone think?

>This would be my dream freestyle workout! And I hope Cathe
>creates it one day. What does everyone think?

I like the idea of a Freestyle-type workout for the lower body, combined with a heavier workout for the upper body (I DON'T need to be any smaller there!). For those who don't like that, maybe there could be two "tracks" for the upper body: a 2/2 speed, 9 count rep (just something new, between 8 and 10 counts! Why do counts have to be even numbers? Let's shake it up! rep for those who want slower/heavier, and a 1/1 speed 18-count rep (but not 'too' fast of a "1") for those who want higher rep/lower weight work.

Great idea! Let's hope Cathe will really consider really doing something like this with her next set of workouts produced. Please, Cathe, please, please, please! We pear-shapes really need a workout like this! We would be ever so grateful!

Another possible configuration for a freestyle lower body, regular workout upper body series:
Workout one: standing legs and core
Workout two: back and biceps
Workout three: floor legs and butt and core
Workout four: chest and triceps
Workout five: non-weighted (or very light weight, maybe a medecine ball?), high rep legs, with some plyo moves
Workout six: shoulders and core
(rest oon day 6 and start over)
I think it should be similar to parts of the Intensity Series and Body Blast. All workouts should be under an hour, because you are working the lower body so intensely you don't want to overtrain. Something like this perhaps ...

1 - Lower body + core (similar to a mix of ME and L&G)
2 - High intensity kickboxing (like KPC) with a second half of floor and abs - (like floorwork at end of L&G)
3 - Total body Weight training- half heavy upper (like PUB) half heavy lower (PUB)
4 - Interval Step (like an IMAX) with second half of ab and high step leg work
5 - Total body endurance training (Like Boot Camp)
6 - Mix kickbox and step in an interval training format (blend of IMAX2 and KPC) - something to simulate results you would get from running.
I'm adding my vote for a Cathe Freestyle Series - this would be totally awesome and just what I'm looking for!! Pleeeeeeeese Cathe??!!??

I've just been rereading George Synder and Laura Dayton's "Freestyle" book, and would love to have (at least!) a couple of these types of workouts (can't use the term, however, because it's copyrighted, but PH was a "Bodypump"-style workout without using the name, so it's doable!). They seem like something that would appeal to many women, as they focus on a lean, strong lower body and on fat-burning.

I suggest two workouts based on these principles, as outlined in the book. (Of course, MORE than two would be great, but two is the absolute minimum for this to work, IMO).

Both workouts would start with 20 minutes of MODERATE-intensity cardio (one step, one floor, for variety).

The first workout would start with chest/shoulder/tricep work, mostly COMPOUND exercises, and limiting direct chest work to a maximum of two exercises and two sets each (following the Freestyle principles, which make sense to me). Some moves here could be close-grip pullovers supersetted with close-grip bench press, incline press, triceps push-ups, delt "circles" (basically a combo side and front raise), kickbacks (an exception to the compound movement).

This would be followed by leg work, also using compound exercises, and focusing on a variety of types of lunges, with light or even no weight, and higher reps (no pulsing moves, but all full-ROM moves). Some plyometric leg work (like jump squats, NOT like tuck jumps) could be added here as well, and maybe some "donkey kick" moves for the butt. Sets would be long, and there would be little rest between them, to keep fat-burning at the maximum.

The second workout would go from the cardio into back/bicep work, also focusing on compound movements for the most part. Then follow with more leg work similar to the first workout (but a different variety

With these two workouts, fans of Cathe and Freestyle training would have a good base to work with, an could easily do a Freestyle rotation.

Would you mind listing some of the "Freestyle Principles"? I understand the idea of "almost" overtraining the lower body with little rests between sets and working many days in a row(to gain endurance,reduce size and burn more calories I'm assuming?) I'm just unclear on upper body principles and why pulsing movements are excluded, why you limit direct chest work, etc.

I ,personally, would love for Cathe to come out with a Lunge cycle and ab cycle using this method!


Heres a link to the Freestyle method as well as sample program/diet below that I found on this site, hope its helpful !

Sets and repetitions listed below are for experienced trainees. Beginners: start with one set and work up gradually, progression varies with individuals as to condition, age and determination to reach personal goals.
The following workout is only a sample, which can be modified- depending upon equipment availability and exercise preferences.

Monday o Tuesday o Wednesday o Thursday o Friday o Saturday:
SIDE LUNGE 4 X 20 These 5-6 exercises are done in a cycle
REVERSE CROSSOVERS 4 X 20 see pages 78 & 79 in Chapter 8
INNER THIGH LUNGE 4 X 20 Time for these cycles--30 minutes max!
ROPE SQUATS (optional) 4 X 20 __________________________
LEG RAISES 5X 30 These exercises are also done in a cycle
KNEE RAISES 5 X 30 _____see Chapter 9__Time to complete- 12 mins.
CARDIO (optional) 30 Minutes. Max.
Approx. time: Under 1 hour… with cardio- 1 hour- 15 minutes maximum

Extras on Tuesday o Thursday o Saturday:
DUMBBELL ROW (one arm) 3 X 10
Approx. time: 20 minutes extra on these days

Diet and Nutrition Suggestions:
Basically your diet should consist of fish or chicken (grilled-plain), LOW glycemic
veggies and fruit, water, egg whites. No sugar, starch or any kind of sodas! A sample diet
would look something like this:
BREAKFAST: 2 eggs with multi-grain toast-plain & juice or non-fat cottage
cheese & fruit or protein shake mixed with water
MID-AM small portion of low glycemic fruit
LUNCH: tuna salad and celery & water or protein shake mixed with water
MID-PM: same as mid-am (optional)
DINNER: chicken, fish with veggies & water
EVENING: nothing after 6:00pm

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