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  1. F

    Workout with current videos

    Hi, Happygolucky! Since you work out so much, 1400-1600 calories would be much too low! I try hard to get enough calories every day, it's probably around 2000 or so (a few years ago I never would have thought that I could eat that much without gaining a ton!). I'm also 5'3", 38 years old...
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    Should I add more weight?

    RE: P.S.: Weight-lifting is FUN! Annette, your advice was so great here (you also cracked me up in your first post--the last couple of comments!:) I love the changes in my body from weight lifting. Before I was just skinny, now I have muscle tone--what a difference! I would really recommend...
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    Workout with current videos

    Hi! I agree with Jillybean about the extra cardio. Are you afraid you will gain weight or lose endurance? Three years ago when I started lifting weights, I had a very hard time not to do as much cardio--I felt I would lose the hard-won endurance I had gained, and I feared putting on weight...
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    Ab Solution Diet in New Fitness RX

    ss's girl, I picked up a copy (I think it's the very first issue but I might be wrong) at Brooks Pharmacy--I don't know if you have one where you live. They also have it at Borders Book Store. So far I really like this magazine. I don't take any given article in any magazine (Ab Solution...
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    Taping Shoes/Cardio Kicks

    Thanks Jayne and Hollie! Maybe what I'll do is try taping just the ball portion of the shoe using an old pair just to get an idea. Jayne, I just received Circuit Max today, so if it does work I'll use them for that, too! Hollie, that's too funny about the crinkling sound being so annoying...
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    Taping Shoes/Cardio Kicks

    Hi! I was wondering if anyone tried the idea of taping their workout shoes with packing tape for doing Cardio Kicks on carpeting, and if it worked for them. The idea was posted by someone a while back and I bought the tape, but I somehow can't get myself to try it--I guess I'm afraid of ruining...
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    CTX modifying/space limitations

    Wendy, I was wondering what a greatmats floor is? Just curious! Denise
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    Step ups: How high?

    susan-lynn, ouch! I know what you mean; that's what I was doing before I noticed that stool in the corner--thank goodness I did, because even though I am actually "cheating" right now, I really think I was hurting my knees before. Be careful! I hope the pain after Leaner Legs is the "good"...
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    Step ups: How high?

    Has anyone noticed that in PS Legs, when Cathe gets to the Sit and Stands (ouch!) that she uses more risers? It seems to be higher in that segment than in the others. I guess the same rule would apply here, that when you sit your legs should be at a 90 degree angle? I actually grab a nearby...
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    Knee Pain - Chondromalacia

    cjbate, I have a question for you, or anyone else who may know the answer to this question--I have wondered about it for a while. I know that when you first get a knee injury (or any other joint injury) it is very helpful to ice the area (the whole "rice" treatment). But when it is a chronic...
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    Knee Pain - Chondromalacia

    Hi! I also have a bad knee that gets painful and swollen whenever I go a little overboard. I was taking ibuprofen like candy--not good--it's torture on your stomach; I have read that it causes bleeding in your stomach, actually. But I kept on taking it because it helped keep me going--until...
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    Hi! If it is feasible for you, you could join a gym that has a reputable day care/nursery to take care of the baby (usually for a small fee) while you work out. I was lucky enough to have this option, and after experiencing what you described, it was heaven not to have to listen for the baby...
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    Tae Bo~is no joke!

    Hi! Have any of you done the original Tae Bo Advanced? I just got it on ebay. Darn, I wish I had read this first!! I would have gone with the Advanced Ripped series. Laura, thanks for the tip on the great price at Best Buy. At that price I may just pick it up anyway--I have a little...
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    Just Viewed Cardio Kicks!!

    RE: words of encouragement Hi, Jayne! You will LOVE this workout! I did the same as you--I previewed the tape (while on my elliptical trainer) and thought it looked tough (although my 5-year-old son jumped right in! :)). That was about 3 weeks ago and today I wanted to try something new, so...
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    C-section ? pooch from navel to scar

    Hi, Marlene! I say good for you for having the tummy tuck. I have had two cosmetic surgery procedures, one at 20 years old and one last year at 36, and although some people gave me a very tough time about having these done (they told me I was too vain) I am so happy that I was brave enough to...
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    Suggestions pls. for clean healthy snacks!

    Hi kfowler! Thanks for sharing that with me--I will definitely try Optimum Flax! I'm always looking for something new and healthy to snack on that actually seems like a treat--not always an easy task, so I appreciate it! Denise
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    How long to gain mass??

    I completely agree with Annette! I LOVE Cathe's S & H series. I started out using MIS for about 6 months and I needed to confuse those muscles out of a plateau (although I did gain lots of strength and some definition--most visible in contorted positions in front of the mirror! haha). Anyway...
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    Suggestions pls. for clean healthy snacks!

    Thanks for your replies on night time eating--I guess I'm not the only one!:) If anyone wants to try a healthy snack, I'm a Kashi cereal fanatic. I go through two boxes a week! Not so much the puffy kind, but the newer seven grain and Go Lean ones--lots of protein and fiber, and just natural...
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    I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one who modifies the plyo scissors interval--my knees hurt just thinking about it! I do all regular scissors. Still, I feel great when I finish--I'm always smiling! Denise
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    Suggestions pls. for clean healthy snacks!

    What do all of you think is detrimental about eating at night? I eat healthy all day, so I also eat a night time snack to keep my caloric intake up. I know that it has been said a thousand times that you shouldn't eat at night because you are no longer moving around (and not burning any...