Tae Bo~is no joke!


Okay~so what made me think Tae Bo wasn't a "real" workout?

I underestimated Tae Bo completely! My glutes are so doggone sore I had to take some alleve just to walk around half way comfortably! And I NEVER have to take anything for muscle soreness, etc., I just "tough it out" usually, but Billy has my a** so sore it's criminal! I can only hope that this pain means I'm strengthening or tightening "something" down there, and can any of you regular Tae Bo users tell me how long it may take me to "adjust" to this workout?
I do powerstrike, cardio kicks, powerkicks and fit 2 kick on a regular basis but NEVER feel this degree of soreness in my glutes.
Tae Bo is no joke! At least the "Get Ripped Advanced" version isn't!
Thank you to whomever it was on this board that suggested I try it. It's a really good workout, I'm sure I'll appreciate it even more when I can walk right again! :)
Uh-oh, I just ordered Get Ripped advanced last week. Better make sure the Motrin is well-stocked. So you enjoyed the Tae Bo? I'm looking forward to trying it. --Karen
I remember when someone recommended the Get Ripped Advanced tapes and said that they helped her get rid of the last bit of ab fat that she had. Do you remember that? Anyhoo, at the same time, there were lots of raves about Powerstrike here and at VF. So, I had to pick one and chose Powerstrike. Now, Donna, of course you have me wanting to try Tae Bo, but I have a question. I have Cardio Kicks, Kickbox, 2 new Powerstrikes and 2 Mindy kickbox tapes. Do I NEED Tae Bo? I mean, assuming that you have the Cathe's and Powerstrikes, do you wonder if, with so many kickbox tapes, that you might tire of Kickboxing fairly soon???

Please say yes. Save DH some $$.

Robin http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/flower.gif
Okay~I'll be honest :)

Actually, Tae Bo "seems" different than "traditional" kickboxing to me. The first thing I noticed was that although it is kickboxing, there's enough "drill type" and "hi/lo" moves for me to consider it another type of cardio (what to call it I don't know?)
It works the heck out of your body from head to toe, yet it's more than just kicking and jabbing. I've been alternating it with my other videos as more of a "intense hi/lo" and using the Powerstrikes and CardioKicks as my kickboxing.
So I'll say it like this....
I'm on a budget myself and try to make the wisest video selections for my buck, and Tae Bo was a great investment! It really is a killer workout, sort of a crosstrainer in itself! I am drenched with sweat 1/2 way through it, and it leaves me feeling pumped after it's over. Just beware of the "after effects" in your rear and thighs! I don't know what the other Tae Bo's are like, but the "Get Ripped Advanced" is a great workout and worth every penny! :)
P.S. I know what you mean about saving $ too! Every time I order a new video I'm scared to death I've just wasted $20.+ which is why I try to wait until I hear about it from people here on this forum. I know that if you do Cathe, you're probably a person in to "intense" workouts or at least advanced workouts, so I'm probably okay with the purchase. So far every recommendation has been a winner, so I'll be the first to help you save your money if ever I know of a "loser." :)

But the "Get Ripped Advanced-2pk" is a winner. I picked it up at amazon.com for $26. for the 2-pk, with tax it was like $30.96 (which had me worried at first, but it turned out to be a fantastic purchase!) And did I mention I actually have to modify these videos, so there is room to grow! There are some balancing kicking drills that I cannot do unless I hold on to the wall, and even then my legs feel like they weigh 2 tons so I have to quit early and shuffle until everyone else is done! :(
But I'll get there! And if it blasts some inches off my thighs and abs in the meantime, all the better! :)

I'm so glad to hear that you're loving taebo. I may have been the one who recommended it to you, I'm not sure. I love it too. I find that the get ripped are a little more intense than the advanced live series. They move a little faster and he dosen't stop for breaks as much.

I know what you mean about the leg lift things being hard. Just keep working on it. It took me about a year to actually be able to do the exercises exactly like they are done on the video. It is hard to hold your leg up like that. But let me tell you something. When you're able to hold your leg up to work your abs and love handles, boy they really start getting in shape from this workout. This is what I love about taebo, it works the abs like no others I've tried precisely because of the standing ab work. I don't have any other kickboxing tapes and I don't know if I ever will need to get any because I love taebo too much!

Have fun working out Donna!
Kristie Schultz
Hi, I believe I have seen "The Ripped Advanced" series (both videos blue and orange) at Best Buy for $22.00, also I think I read at VF "bargain" forum to check out your nearby K-Mart's, since they are going out of business it seems they have been spotted at $10.00 for the series? I haven't seen them at K-Mart myself but it's worth looking into, and even the Best Buy prices aren't bad either, considering that I paid a lot more for them.

Hi! Have any of you done the original Tae Bo Advanced? I just got it on ebay. Darn, I wish I had read this first!! I would have gone with the Advanced Ripped series.
Laura, thanks for the tip on the great price at Best Buy. At that price I may just pick it up anyway--I have a little birthday money to spend! Yay!
Waiting for more Get Ripped series

Hi fit4life, I've been doing Taebo since it first came out on video. While Billy Blanks has made a whole library of new videos, the original advanced is a good place to start in terms of learning proper techniques. The original doesn't have the good music that a lot of his newer videos have & his advanced live & get ripped series are a lot harder, but again, if you aren't familiar w/ his moves it's a good foundation point.

But to respond to getnfit@38, your soreness is usual. When I first tried Taebo my bum was on fire for days. But that's what's so great about Taebo--it works out your behind like nothing else!! No matter how much step I do, nothing targets my rear like Taebo does. I would recommend, though, that if you're new to Taebo you start with his Advanced Live tapes. Since you're already familiar with kickbox type moves it's not necessary to go over the instructional videos, but I would invest in Advanced Live 4 and 8. Those are two winners in the series--not all the live tapes are worth the money (IMHO)--that I go back to time and time again.

I'm waiting for more Advanced Get Ripped, though, because Get Ripped 1 is one of my all time favorite workouts. It starts fast & furious & keeps going. I always feel a sense of accomplishment after finishing that tape.

Well, I guess I've gushed and rambled long enough :)
Hi Robin,

I'm a taebo "veteran", I've been using it since I first started my weight loss regimen. To answer your question, "Do I need Tae Bo?". I'd have to say, absolutely!! It's in a class by itself. It kicks my @$$ like nothing else and it definitely improves strength and balance. Like getnfit@38 said, there's room to grow because as you keep doing it, you realize that your form gets better and you exercise harder. Even after doing it for months I still find myself wiping the pool of sweat off the floor so that I won't slip! Plus, Billy Blanks is incredibly motivating. He's like a coach who refuses to give up on anyone. As you can see, I absolutely love him. Too, it's worth the money just to see his daughter, Shellie working out. She has to be the toughest girl I've ever seen on any exercise video. I hope you decide to give it a try. :)
I also have the Tae Bo Advanced Get Ripped series and while it definitely is a great cardio/lower body workout you have to be careful with these tapes! I found the kicking in some parts to be way too fast. The next morning I felt a bad sore in my knee joints that I have never had before. It went away after about a day or two, but just make sure you watch your form and dont sacrifice your form just to kick at his speed! I havent done my Tae Bo tapes since the knee pain, maybe I'll give them another try. Have fun!!

I love Taebo, and I know there is usually no gray area in opinions here....we either love or hate Billy Blanks. I've been doing since Jan. of 2000.

I like the Advanced Ripped series, also. I do those two tapes along with Advanced live I & II (rotate them) with Cardio Kicks.
Hi Katie,

That's really funny. He is a sight to look at, isn't he? I found out that he's in his mid to late fifties!!!! :eek:
How is Tae Bo on the knees?

You all have me wanting to get the Advanced Ripped workouts now! I do kickboxing (Cathe & powerstrike), running, step(Cathe) and weights. But I always have to be careful of my knees. Cathe's cardio kicks sometimes hurts my knees. How is Tae Bo in this area?

I have the original Tae Bo Advanced. In fact, I had almost all of the Tae Bo Advanced Live (volumes 1-10), but sold them all. The one I kept was the original Tae Bo Advanced.

I find it better than the Live series and more challenging because of the floor work and the many kicks. The moves are somewhat more controlled and slower--they seem safer to me. Also, I think the warmup is a bit better (in my opinion none of the warmups are that great in any of the TBs that I've done).

Well, I hope you like it!

RE: How is Tae Bo on the knees?

I consider Taebo a mid-impact level exercise. Some moves are high impact but can easily be modified to protect fragile knees. So long as you're using proper technique & doing the more rigorous moves at a speed that doesn't overtax your knees you should be fine. Taebo is definitely, in my opinion, a lot easier on my knees than running. The level of impact is about the same as Cardio Kicks, but the speed is a lot faster. Cardio Kicks builds up and has a lot more traditional cardio moves while Taebo Ripped has your heartrate up from the get-go. One thing to consider is what parts of Cardio Kicks hurt your knee--the kickboxing sections like when she does roundhouse kicks or when she does the traditional cardio? The one section of Cardio Kicks that I have to be careful about in terms of my knees is when she does the power hops b/c one bad jump could do serious damage to my already sensitive knees. If you're having problems with the regular kickboxing moves, though, Taebo Ripped may not be for you b/c it does move a lot faster. Hope that helps!
Hi Donna,
I have been ready to try something new so on my way home from work today I picked up the Get Ripped tape. It is a hard work out but I feel that I will be bored with it after a couple of times (didn't care for the music and it just seemed boring). I guess I'm just such a big Cathe fan, I can't find anything to compare to her. I love her music and I never get bored and always look forward to working out with her. I alread can tell that I don't feel the same about Billy Banks. Oh well, it will be a nice change once in a while.
Hi Joanne,

Just curious, did you get "Get Ripped" basic or "Get Ripped" advanced? I've heard the basic is pretty "basic" and an okay workout, but not at the level of the advanced.
Sorry you didn't care for it, I guess it falls in line with the "either you like Billy/Tae Bo or you don't!"
All I know is my a** cheeks haven't been the same since we (me & Tae Bo) met! And I swear the 1/2 inch I lost from my hips last week fell off during the floorwork section of tape 2! Those roundhouses on your knees really burn when you have excess meat on your hips and thighs! :)
Maybe someone here will want to take it off your hands, or maybe you could trade it over on the VF forum.

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