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  1. C

    Returning act of kindness

    Hmm, don't know what happened to my first post so I'm trying again A while ago a nice cathelie gave me ctx upper body. :D I bought the dvd version of kpc, so I no longer have the need for the vhs version. If you would like the vhs version of kpc, please feel free to contact me...
  2. C

    Any Computer Experts Out There? Need help

    The sandisk that I have I just open the "My Music" folder and drag and drop into the sandisk window. No special software needed. I'm using Windows XP.
  3. C

    Beginner/Intermediate Check-in 3/12-3/18

    Hi Beth and Kim, I am still resting my knee sprain so no workouts this week. I see the ortho specialist on tuesday, so maybe he'll let me use the recumberant bike to get some constant motion going again. We'll see.
  4. C

    How have you been injured

    I am currently injured with a severe medial collateral sprain of my right knee. It happened as I fell down black ice covered steps on my way to work on march 2. It is soooooo hard to look into my den and see my elliptical, step, exercise ball, etc and not be able to use any of it. It is...
  5. C

    Beginner/Intermediate Check-in 3/5-3/11

    Hi Guys, Just chimming in to tell Kim that I'm so sorry to hear the news of your grandmother. I agree with beth on the timeframe thing, no one can predict how long. Beth thanks for the idea of maintaining exercise. It is out of the question at the moment. I don't want to bring the group...
  6. C

    Beginner/Intermediate Check-in 3/5-3/11

    I will be out of exercise commission for a while. I have a severe sprain of the medial collateral ligament. My other exercise buddies suggested I do upper body. I may give it a go.
  7. C

    Beginner/Intermediate Check In 2/26-3/4/06

    Kim, it sounds like the personal trainer pushed you. If I had to chose one, I'd go with the trainer. She can guide you and you could follow through at home. It sounds like you clicked with her too. Guys, I fell on ice this morning and hurt my knee pretty badly. I couldn't even continue...
  8. C

    Beginner/Intermediate Check In 2/26-3/4/06

    Hey Ladies, Today was my first day exercising in over a week. I will do light workouts for this week and kick it back up next week. This am's workout was Project You-Foundation. I even think Cathe's basic step is too much for my respiratory system right now. I'm still having sinus...
  9. C

    Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 2/19-2/25/06

    Hi Kim and Beth, I decided to play it safe and not workout today. I agree that those Karen Voight workouts that Kim has does sound interesting. I was thinking of getting low impact circuit and muscle max. Ya gotta get more than one to justify the shipping.
  10. C

    Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 2/19-2/25/06

    This morning was basic step. I'm still not up to par. Went to the doctor's today and was put on antibiotics. I will take it light for the next few days.
  11. C

    Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 2/19-2/25/06

    Hi guys, This is my first day totally headache and fever free since friday. Now sure why I got a fever. My body is obviously fighting off something. Today I delivered project you to my sister and I had to go through it with her. I felt like an instructor correcting her form. It was fun. I...
  12. C

    Beginner/Intermediate Check - In 2/12-2/18

    So it was heartburn Kim? Glad its going away. Yesterday at work I started to feel feverish around midday. I came home took theraflu cause I also head sinus pain too. I woke up took some more and went back to sleep. I've been asleep (on and off) from 6:30pm till about 10am this morning. I...
  13. C

    Good News-- Job!!!

    Were you the one with the job interview in Philadelphia? Congratulations on getting your dream job!
  14. C

    Don't do this at home!!

    RE: Kathryn, a puncture wound story for ya Wow, I knew I had something in common with this board. Although, I've never had to actually pull an object out of my body (a thought that freaks me out just thinking about it) I have had my share of accidents. One being at 5 years old I stuck my hand...
  15. C

    Beginner/Intermediate Check - In 2/12-2/18

    OMG!! Kim take it easy. Easing off of exercise is definitely a wise move. Chest pains are not something to be taken lightly. My workouts are pretty much done by the seat of my pants. Nothing is written down this week, so I'm making it up as I go along. Last night I did turbo jam remix...
  16. C

    Bad Annual Review

    "I just don't see fighting the review as helping in the long wrong especially since you haven't proven your value to anyone. "Take it as a learning experience" and move on." I don't agree with this. Reviews follow you within a company. In my position, we MUST give verbal, then written...
  17. C

    Beginner/Intermediate Check - In 2/12-2/18

    Yes, the one that's advertised on tv is an introductory. I had a link to the whole package with 33% off. The new videos every month is a rip off cause they are $19.95 +sh each. I did the project you-upper body workout last night. It was pretty good and only 30 minutes. Kathy does it on...
  18. C

    Beginner/Intermediate Check - In 2/12-2/18

    Hello Everyone So, body for life is 3 cardio days, 2 strength days and 2 rest days. Hmmmm, sounds good If you will remember, I pulled a muscle last week. This week I'm getting back on track. Proud to say that I haven't gained any weight during my hiatus. I'm playing with my new...
  19. C

    Beginner/Intermediate Check In - 2/5 to 2/11

    no workout for me today. I'm nursing a pulled muscle. Beth-I just got great weighted workout through netflix. She does moves that I haven't seen before. Curious to see how I feel after doing this one, but it will have to wait till next week. Well, I'm hoping that I can get back to...
  20. C

    Beginner/Intermediate Check In - 2/5 to 2/11

    Hmm, I just got my tax refund and Kim is raving about this new workout. I think its a sign for me to investigate karen voight. See how easy I can justify a purchase. :7 Rest day today, absolutely no workouts.