Beginner/Intermediate Check-in 3/5-3/11


I will start this week's thread since I don't see one yet. My plan this week is back to Pure Strenth again, this time with a little higher weights. The Gym Styles are pretty exhausing and I don't think I can do more than 1 time through them every 3 weeks or so. Today I did Karen Voight's Yoga Focus for my recovery day and then swam slow laps for about 15 min. I think I will be up for PS Legs tomorrow. I'm still going to try and get in some yoga about every 3 days or so. It seems to really loosen me up. The Plan is:
mon-pure st. legs
tues-cardiokicks OR yoga if my legs are too tired
weds-pure st. bba plus yoga
fri-pure st. cst
sat-cardio plus yoga
I will be out of exercise commission for a while. I have a severe sprain of the medial collateral ligament. My other exercise buddies suggested I do upper body. I may give it a go.
By all means do upper body and core. Also you can keep your legs a little stronger by doing straight leg lifts with your brace on (if/when your doc permits.) Hopefully since its just a sprain and not a tear it will heal quickly. What a bummer.
I did Pure Strength Legs today and struggled with my heart rate zooming up into the stratosphere. That's usually a sign I'm overtraining since this is not a heart rate workout by any means. So I'm going to take it easier this week and just go day by day how I feel. I still have Burn and Firm and Core Essentials from Netflix (both Karen Voight) that I have barely done so maybe I will do those every other day after a rest day or two.
Hi everyone,

I didn't exercise Sunday or yesterday but today I did GS Back, Biceps and Shoulders Timesaver. Beth I see what you mean. The GS can be pretty intense. I don't recall using heavier weights like I did this morning and I can really feel it. I would always stop at 8 pounds max but today I was using 8, 10 and 15 pounds. My trainer said I need to go up on the poundage.

I had very disturbing news since Friday and have been kind of down. The doctors gave my 86 year old grandmother 6 months to live :-(
She has a blood disease, heart problems, she can't walk and she has sores on her foot. Her left big toe is actually "dead". She is a strong willed person and I am hoping she lives longer but I know GOD is in control of her life, so when he says it's time, it's time. I hate to see her in so much pain ;(

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
Honestly, doctors and their pronouncements on life expectancy. Your grandmother will live as long as God wants her to. Its so sad to see loved ones get old. I've already lost both parents and it was tough.
On B/S/B Gym Styles I've used 12 pounds for the lat rows and pullovers but 6-8# for everything else. I'm impressed you went to 15 pounds. But I was doing the full workout. Maybe I could go heavier on the timesaver one.
I'm going back to my Pure Strength split that I felt so good on. The Gym Styles wiped me out and I felt overtrained. I'm going to divide the legs into 2 workouts so it will be a 4 day split. Cardio will be low intensity because my knee is only now feeling better on stairs.
I did the full legs yesterday but from now on I'm splitting it. Today I just cleaned house. Tomorrow will be light cardio and stretching/abs. :)
Hi everyone,

This morning I did GS Legs Timesaver #1. I tried to use what Cathe used most of the time except for the barbell. (I didn't feeling like changing the plates so I kept it at 20#). I think tomorrow I will do LIS. I don't think my joints are all warmed up.

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
We had cold front move in and I fell stiff and achy. Today I just did light cardio, miles 3-4 of Leslie's 4 mile power walk, then some stability ball abs and 2 segments of total body stretching. Tomorrow I'll do PS BBA but wait until it warms up in the afternoon.
OK, I like Pure Strength BBA becuase it feels easy to me. That was what I needed today. I finished with ball stretch #2 off Total Body Stretching. I have tweaked my body for life rotation to the following 7 day plan:

Upper Body/abs
Lower Body
Rest Day/stretching
Total body light weights/abs/yoga/whatever I want!

I wanted to get in a total body day to do some of my strenuous yoga tapes, or a slim series, or one of Cathe's endurance or circuit workouts, or Karen Voight or Kari Anderson Angles Lines Curves. That day will be something different than traditional weights or cardio alone. Tomorrow will be light cardio (I'm still babying my knee for a while although it finally feels fine.) Then Saturday is my fun total body day. I think I might try Karen Voight's Core Essentials. I have previewed but not done it yet from Netflix. It is a cardio warmup, then light weight work, and finishes with core work. Its only about 42 minutes which is great.
I'm excited to finally get this BFL thing fine-tuned to fit my schedule and allow for a quirky day to do whatever I feel like that doesn't really fit the rotation. Also a REAL rest day in there too. :)
Hi everyone,

Beth, that looks like a good BFL rotation. Let me know how it works out. I did GS Chest & Triceps and my arms are shaking. I used heavier weights as my trainer suggested and I think I am going to start seeing a big difference.

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
Hi Guys,
Just chimming in to tell Kim that I'm so sorry to hear the news of your grandmother. I agree with beth on the timeframe thing, no one can predict how long.

Beth thanks for the idea of maintaining exercise. It is out of the question at the moment. I don't want to bring the group down, just wanted to say hi and to keep up the good work.
today I did Christy Taylor Still Jumpin', the first workout, about 32 minutes. I modified to low impact but I still felt some twinges in my knee, so I'm not ready for step yet. I think I can kickbox though. I would say Christy is the opposite of Leslie in workout style-very complex choreography from the get-go. It would have been fun to add in the impact moves.
I followed that with Lean Leg abs-stretch. I seem to use CTX primarily for the ab-stretch segments (there are 4 different ones and they run about 22 minutes combining the ab and stretch. Excellent stretches.)
Tomorrow I'll try out Core Essentials and let you know how it is. It seems to be misnamed becuase there isn't a lot of core work, but maybe some of the weights work also works your core, like the Tracy Long training everyone is talking about. We are having the nasty weather move in from the West Coast tonight and I'm sure it will be COLD and rainy tomorrow! Yuck...A good day to exercise indoors.
It was freezing here today-even snowed 10 miles north of here-and I live in Phoenix Arizona!!!!!!!!!!!
I did Core Essentials with karen voight today for my "free" day. The pushup and plank series is a killer, but overall it was just an ok workout. I will be returning it to Netflix. I did decide to buy Yoga Sculpt though-got it at Target for 8.99. I'm going to substitute a power yoga workout for a strength workout every so often becuase you really do feel it in your arms and legs the next day.
Tomorrow is Sunday brunch, so I really need to burn some calories beforehand. I'll do Cardiokicks followed by KV abs and back for a tough cardio/core workout.

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