Beginner/Intermediate Check In 2/26-3/4/06


Hi, I am back!!! :7 and I feel 10 times better!! I can't wait to start back exercising tomorrow morning! Chris & Beth I think you will love Karen Voight Burn & Firm Circuit workout. I have to agree with Beth about Muscle Max which is a very good workout but very light on the lower body. I used Muscle Max as a body part per day and it works great that way too! Starting this Thursday I am going to join a class at my church called "Shape Up". It starts March 2 thru May 18th and cost $45. The class meets every Thursday evening from 7p-8:30 in our church gym. So far 1 1/2 hours it will be aerobics, kickboxing and toning. The instructor is a personal trainer and we are to bring a towel, water and a mat. I think that would be good for me to get out and exercise at least 1 day a week in the evening with a group of people and just give myself a little change.

Here is my schedule for the week:

Sun - Rest
Mon - KPC Kickbox Circuit
Tues- Low Impact Step
Wed - Karen Voight Burn & Firm Circuit
Thur- Shape Up Class at Church
Fri - Rest
Sat - High Step Circuit

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
Your new class sounds fun. And long! Should burn some calories. I have Burn and Firm still from Netflix and have done the cardio part, but I am not doing any circuits for a while because I really need to get my strength back with solid low rep, heavy weight training. I've improved a lot with 2 rounds of Pure Strength and today I did Gym Styles Chest and Triceps. What a burner that one is. Wow. I did skip every other pushup set, and a couple of sets of the triceps. Gym Styles, Pure Strength and the Pyramids are so awesome for heavy weights training-I love them. I just can't get into Slow and Heavy-it is to slow and boring for me.
I messed up my knee a little doing the whole of StepMax yesterday. I need to limit step to 45 minutes, not one hour. That seems to be the magic number. Oh, but it was so fun I didn't want to stop. Darn. So I don't know what I will do for cardio tomorrow, it depends on my knee. Kickboxing would probably be the least stressful done low impact. I think I'll be able to do Cardiokicks. I'm still alternating a weights day with a cardio day. Its working really well for me.
Hello members and lurkers! Here is my schedule for the week.

Sun: GS Back, Shoulders & Biceps + cardio + Core conditioning
Mon: Any cardio + stretch
Tue: GS Legs ( standing only) + Core conditioning + stretch
Wed: Recover with light stretch
Thur: GS Chest & triceps + Basic step & any cardio + core conditioning
Fri: Low impact step + core conditioning
Sat: GS legs + core conditioning + cardio

Arggh!!!! I lost my strength & energy!!! I tried to do KPC Kickbox and Strength Circuit and I was dragging the entire time while doing it. I guess because I haven't exercised in a few weeks after being sick. I thought I could pick up where I left off but that's not the case. I don't need to do circuits yet until I build up my strength and endurance again like you Beth. I need to do cardio and weights on different days for a few weeks before I accomplish circuit workouts again. I guess I need to change my schedule.

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
Hey Ladies,
Today was my first day exercising in over a week. I will do light workouts for this week and kick it back up next week. This am's workout was Project You-Foundation. I even think Cathe's basic step is too much for my respiratory system right now. I'm still having sinus pressure/headache and waiting for the antibiotics to kick in. I do enjoy project you though. I think this program is well rounded, especially for 8 workouts at less than $40.
Kimberly, I do think cardio and weights on separate days will help you recover faster. Also separate upper body and lower body on to different days as well. You will be back to strength and stamina in no time at all.
My knee was still hurting today even with slight bending so I decided to just swim laps. Me and Cathe, boo hoo. Did you see her new update after all her pinned updates? I'm thinking maybe all this intense cardio, jacks and jumping are finally getting to her too! I think my mistake was sequencing IMAX 1 and then Step Max. I need to alternate between step and kickbox or walking/floor style aerobics. And limit to 45 min intead of an hour. I already knew this from the past but attempted to cheat my body and it didn't work. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day!
Today I needed to clean house and between the dog needing lots of attention and my husband calling me from work to do internet searches on an urgent project I didn't finish up until 2 in the afternoon. So I just went for a walk and gave my knee one more day to recover. It feels fine today. Tomorrow it is a biggie-Gym Style Legs the whole thing. I'm sure I will modify the floor work but my legs feel strong after doing 2 rounds of Pure Strength. I'll let you know how it is!
Hi everyone,

I didn't exercise this morning but this evening I had a free workout with a personal trainer at a place called "Build A Body". She had me do a 3 minute step test which had to be on an 8"step and I was winded. I told her that I performed a Stress Test while in the Hospital and the Cardiologist told me that I needed to do more cardio.
I did about 15 squats and after that I stood up and tried to walk and my muscles in my thighs locked up on me :eek: So she had me walking and stretching to get the muscles stretched out. I told her that I never felt my muscles like that when I exercise at home and she said probably because you are doing something different. I have to admit to her that I don't use as high as a weight that I should like she did tonite and she had to up some of the weights because she said it was too easy for me. She also has several Wavemaster Boxing Bags and I told her I have one still with the water in it and I have never used it. She wants to show me exactly what moves I should do with that too. It would be good to use her once every week or every two weeks to push me to a higher level and start using heavier weights as she suggested. I tend to take the easier way by using 10 pounds versus 15 pounds. She asked me if I had 25 pound weights at home and I said yes but they still have the purchase tags on them :-(

Should I take that exercise class at my church which is 1 1/2 hours (aerobics, Kickboxing and toning)for 12 weeks only on Thursdays or should I just go to the Personal Trainer maybe once a week or once every two weeks to actually push me to a higher level that will actually help me with my home exercise program? Is going to the class actually would be a duplicate to what I already have at home?

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
Why not do both if you have the time? Variety is a good way to kick up your fitness level a notch.
My knee is still twinging today when I go up steps. But I did fine with my knee on Gym Style Legs. Its funny, I can do squats and lunges without knee pain but can't walk up/down stairs. You would think....oh well, I'm just glad I could do the lower body workout. I made it all the way through too without having to leave out sets although I shortened the reps a bit. I modified the floor work a bit. But overall, I'm very pleased with my new leg strength which I attribute to Pure Strength. My legs are gettting a bit of shape to them as well. I 've decided after experimenting that my speed skater thighs actually DO look better with heavy weight training becuase of the nice shaping effect. They just look saggy with light weights.
Tomorrow it will be lap swimming again for cardio until my knee gets better. I can't even do kickbox yet.
Kim, it sounds like the personal trainer pushed you. If I had to chose one, I'd go with the trainer. She can guide you and you could follow through at home. It sounds like you clicked with her too.

Guys, I fell on ice this morning and hurt my knee pretty badly. I couldn't even continue onto work. I had to turn around and nurse my knee. I don't foresee doing any type of exercise as I can barely walk. I won't be posting everyday cause I won't have anything exercise related to contribute.;(

I'll still be reading.
Chris, sorry about your knee. Ice it a lot the first 48 hours. LIke maybe ice it for 15 min every 2 hours while you are awake.
My knee felt better today so I was able to do Leslie Walk/Jog without pain, just a little twinge now and then. This afternoon I swam for 15 min so I was able to get in a total of 45min cardio today. I also did Cardio/Weights ab work. Tomorrow is Gym Styles Back, Shoulders and Biceps in entirety-no premix. With a few situps at the end. I need to do a few crunches every day or my abs get weak. I hope my knee is recovered fully by Sat so I can do 10/10/10 off the CTX DVD followed by Tae Bo Ab Bootcamp. I thought that would be a fun 1 hour combo routine since the first part of abs is standing and continues the cardio burn.
I notice Cathe's March rotation is a lot like Body for Life! Alternating an upper or lower body weights day with a cardio day. It works!
Hi everyone,

Chris, I hope you get well soon with your knee. I thought about the personal trainer today and I think I should go with her too. Yeah she did push me to where if I was doing some of those exercises myself I would have went lighter with the weights. I did a single overhead exercise with one 10 pound weight and after I did the first two reps and she took it out my hand and replaced it with 15 pounds. She said the 10 pounder was to easy for me. My body is still sore from Tuesday. I guess I need her.

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
Just don't get overtrained by the trainer! You don't need another injury setback so soon after your chest pain deal.
Today I did Kathy Smith Yoga early in the morning to stretch me out and it felt so great. Then later I did the Gym Style Back/Sh/Bis. It is very light on the back part. I find all CAthe's back workouts to be tame, as opposed to her killer biceps routines. The band work is good, you can really get a burn going. Then later we went for a slow walk and I finished up with Lean Legs abs/stretch after that. So it was a nice exercise day for me.
Tomorrow I'm going to attempt 10/10/10 off the CTX DVD. This one is my top calorie burner of all Cathe workouts. Then maybe the Tae Bo Ab Bootcamp if I'm up to it; if not, some stability ball work.
I wish I could do Yoga every day, but it really takes arm and leg strength. I would have to substitute it for a strength workout, unless like today I do it early. I couldn't do it AFTER strength training or I'd never be able to hold the poses. But there aren't many days I can fit in 2 different one hour workouts.
Today I did the killer combo of 10/10/10 plus Ab Bootcamp. It clocks in at 1 hour. It is a good combo. I felt completely limp afterwards. We went to a giant pot-luck at church. I ate 1 1/2 plate fulls and didn't even feel full. That is good, becuase it means I burned so many cals that the food was just sucked up into the muscles. (I've found in that to be true in the past.) Tomorrow I may need a rest day, we'll see. If not, I'm going to do some lighter legs like Firm it Up just for a change of pace.

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