Beginner/Intermediate Check - In 2/12-2/18


Hi everyone,

I am starting my new rotation this week but I have decided to discontinue the Lower Body Solution which would have been my last week in that rotation. From doing the LBS rotation I did see results on my butt. I lost upper rear fat which has started to decrease so my butt doesn't look like it's sitting up high. My legs have gotten stronger and a little leaner. I would say that I only did about 2 1/2 weeks out of the 4 week rotation. From now on I am going to Periodization. I have been working on this for weeks so I just thought I start now. I am still going to exercising 5 days per week. This week I will be doing 3 days of circuit training and 2 days of cardio. I just cut off 1 day of cardio to make my 5 days.

Sun - Karen Voight Burn & Firm Regular Circuit (45min) - DONE
Mon - Low Impact Step (40 min)
Tues - KPC Kickbox & Strength Circuit (51 min)
Wed - Rest
Thur - High Step Circuit (48 min)
Fri - Rest
Sat - Karen Voight Cardio Effect (45 min)

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah

Here is my weekly rotation

Sun- Cardio Coach #3 on recumbent Bike, Gilad abs workout
Mon- Basic step warm-up with combo # 1, Low Impact step
Tue- Turbo jam Sculpt, Low impact step
Thur- High Step Circuit
Fri- Recover
Sat- Coremax segment, Kickmax premix #1

Take care

I'm sticking with the Body for Life rotation which i really enjoy. So much variety and its nice to have 3-4 rest days between body part strength workouts. I am going to put a rest/stretch day in after every lower body however, because I really need the recovery day. This week is:
Sun-CARDIO-Power Max segments 2,3-done
Mon-LOWER-Pure Strength standing legs and abs-done; light swim later today for light recovery work for the legs
Thurs-UPPER-Pure Strength Back, Biceps, abs
Fri-CARDIO -cardio of choice, maybe kick punch crunch
Sat- LOWER-Pure Strength floor legs; stability ball abs
My favorite rest day stretches are Cool it Off, Stretchmax, Total Body Stretching, and Kathy Smith New Yoga Basics.
Have a good week everyone!
Hello Everyone

So, body for life is 3 cardio days, 2 strength days and 2 rest days. Hmmmm, sounds good

If you will remember, I pulled a muscle last week. This week I'm getting back on track. Proud to say that I haven't gained any weight during my hiatus.

I'm playing with my new project you program led by Kathy Smith. Why did I get this? I wanted the circuit workout, but by itself it was $20. The whole package with all 8 workouts was only $43 with shipping. I'm glad that I got it cause its a little more intense than I thought. The foundation workout gives me a better light workout than walk away the pounds. I'm trying to find workouts that don't require a lot of floor space, but still gives me a workout. This does it for me. I treated my sister in law to the program, but she has lots of weight to lose. I told her that we will do the program together. She's scared! She says that if I'm recommending it then it must be hard. She watched my turbo jam workout and thought that it was hard. She's currently doing walk away the pounds and outside walking. She's not doing any weights, so this will give her an introduction to weight training. It's a 12-week program. I haven't gone that long with a workout plan, so little does she know she's my inspiration too.

Ok, babbled enough. This mornings workout was project you-foundation. This evening will be weights from timesaver workout 1. I'm feeling really good right now though, so I may just do power hour. We'll see. :)
Body for Life has 3 cardio, 3 strength per week, but I am putting a rest day in every 5 instead of every 7 days. So some weeks I get in 6 workouts, other weeks 5. Its working well for keeping me from overtraining and getting sore. Today I did clean house and took a light walk. I haven't stretched yet, I wanted to wait until it warmed up and after cleaning. So I may do stretchmax tonight. Tomorrow is going to be a long climbing hike that should be good cardio and good views of the city!
The Kathy Smith Project You looks like a very good bargain. They apparently send you new videos every month so you might want to make sure you aren't being charged for more workouts than you want.
Yes, the one that's advertised on tv is an introductory. I had a link to the whole package with 33% off. The new videos every month is a rip off cause they are $19.95 +sh each.

I did the project you-upper body workout last night. It was pretty good and only 30 minutes. Kathy does it on the ball, some do it on the floor. I used my step bench.

No workout this am. I'm going to do the elliptical after work.
Today was a 90 minute hike, although only the first maybe 60 minutes was climbing cardio. It felt good and I was well rested after yesterday. Ended up doing Cool it Off yesterday. I have not felt so good in a long time. This rotation really fits well with my body's own rhythm. Tomorrow is upper body/abs. I will do Pure Strength BBA, its about 40 minutes.
Hi everyone,

I haven't posted since Sunday because I was in the hospital. I went in Monday morning with chest pain and they kept me overnite until yesterday evening. I actually had chest pains Saturday morning and it didn't go away. I had my exercise clothes on Monday morning to exercise but I thought that I shouldn't because my chest was hurting so bad. They performed all kinds of test on my heart EKG, Stress Test and they came back normal. The pains eased up but I still have them. I have a doc's appt. next Tuesday. The doctor is going to perform more tests for me. Right now I am taking Prilosec. I might have Acid Reflux. It hurts if I breath deeply. I am hoping this over the counter med works if not my doc will prescribe something else hopefully. I am going to ease off the exercise until I feel better.

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
OMG!! Kim take it easy. Easing off of exercise is definitely a wise move. Chest pains are not something to be taken lightly.

My workouts are pretty much done by the seat of my pants. Nothing is written down this week, so I'm making it up as I go along.

Last night I did turbo jam remix live. Tonight will be upper body strength. Don't know which dvd I'll do yet.

Kim, I'm glad it wasn't anything serious. We do all seem to be plagued with injury and illness don't we?
Today I did Pure Strength Back, Biceps and Abs. I consider it Cathe's easist strength workout. I added sets of posterior flys and band work to toughen it up a bit.
So, tomorrow is cardio and I have no idea what I'm doing! Whatever my mood is in the morning....
Today I did KPC but skipped the high intensity chapter. So it totalled 48 minutes which is the length I wanted. With this Body of Life rotation I am so much more rested that I think I can go longer or harder on my workout day. So next week I will bump it up a notch. I may periodize it, going harder every week for 3 weeks, then have an easy week. That would probably be best.
Tomorrow is legs-ug. I will do Pure Strength floor legs followed by Gin Miller's stability ball abs. Its an old tape I got with the ball, not available anymore. I hope it doesn't break! It runs 17 min for the ab section which is great. Then Sunday will be Cool it Off/rest/light walk.
Hi everyone,

I am doing better today. I still just fell a slight chest pain. I was taking Prilosec then I switched and bought Zantac 150mg Maximum Strength. I bought some Maalox also but haven't taken that as of yet. I will still go back on Tuesday for a check up. I am going to start exercising on Monday but I will do a walking DVD exercise with no weights. I want to see if I get winded just from that. I told my doctor while I was in the hospital that I exercised. He wanted to know how long and I told him I have been exercising steady for a few months. I want to be able to tell him how I felt when I used my walking video on Tuesday.

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
So it was heartburn Kim? Glad its going away.

Yesterday at work I started to feel feverish around midday. I came home took theraflu cause I also head sinus pain too. I woke up took some more and went back to sleep. I've been asleep (on and off) from 6:30pm till about 10am this morning. I forced myself to eat and took some more tylenol. Now I'm up doing the mind over matter thing. Trying to convince my body that its not sick and yes I can stay up today. I have school work to do to so I have to push through.

Beth-It seems your the only one out the group that isn't suffering.
If I am the healthy one of the group then we are really in trouble. Hah.
Today I did the floor legs from Pure Strength. Then some stability ball abs. I was pretty tired after that and it wasn't that hard, so I know I am ready for my rest day tomorrow. This 4 day on/1 day off seems to be a good schedule for me. I like having floor legs as day 4 becuase I don't have to stand up to exercise on my last day when I am getting tired!

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