Any Computer Experts Out There? Need help


Wondering if anyone can help me. I recently received an mp3 player and am anxious to download music to it. Problem is my computer is not recognizing my portable device as a drive.

I have Windows ME as my operating system. When I tried to load the driver from the SanDisk setup CD, I got a message saying:

The file USBNTMAP.SYS was not found. Windows needs the disk labeled "Windows Millenium Edition" to continue. This disk may be provided by your computer or device manufacturer.

Trouble is all my computer came with (it's a Compaq) is a Recovery CD that has options for such things as Emergency Diskette, User Backup, User Restore, Factory Restore. It won't let me look at individual files on this CD.

Anyone have any ideas? Is this computer too old/limited to support a mass storage device? Someone gave me a jump drive the other day to look at information on and my computer wouldn't read/recognize it either.

Thanks for any help.


Windows ME can recognize a mass storage device. The older version of Windows 98SE can as well.

If you insert the restore cd in when the computer asks for your Windows ME system cd what happens? Windows ME is buried somewhere on that cd and should be able to be found. Even though your computer is out of warranty Compaq (actually now Hewlett Packard) might be willing to talk you through it.

If you hold the SHIFT key down while loading a CD it will disable the autoplay/autorun feature. You can then use My Computer or Windows Explorer to EXPLORE the CD (not OPEN)

The bad news is this is not the time to buy new hardware, Microsoft announced their next version of Windows (Vista) has been postponed until January 2007. Anything you buy is already outdated.

I always had problems with Winblows and since I have switched to Linux life has been much less stressful athough I admit the learning curve was steep at first.
>Windows ME can recognize a mass storage device. The older
>version of Windows 98SE can as well.
>If you insert the restore cd in when the computer asks for
>your Windows ME system cd what happens? Windows ME is buried
>somewhere on that cd and should be able to be found. Even
>though your computer is out of warranty Compaq (actually now
>Hewlett Packard) might be willing to talk you through it.
>If you hold the SHIFT key down while loading a CD it will
>disable the autoplay/autorun feature. You can then use My
>Computer or Windows Explorer to EXPLORE the CD (not OPEN)

I tried doing this but it would not explore or open at all.

>The bad news is this is not the time to buy new hardware,
>Microsoft announced their next version of Windows (Vista) has
>been postponed until January 2007. Anything you buy is
>already outdated.

If I can find an old codger still using ME, and they have the disks, could I copy the file to my computer? If I don't upgrade, will my new mp3 simply be an expensive radio?

Thanks for any help.

Another Linux user, I thought I was an only child!

If you find someone else with a genuine MS Windows ME cd you can use it, there is no ID # encoded on the cd.

Hi Papaya,

Thanks so much for the link. I copied a few more files than just the one I mentioned earlier to my SYSTEM32\DRIVERS folder and it did work. Now when I hook my USB cord to my mp3, the icon for a portable device comes onto my taskbar. That's good, but when I try to transfer a song from the software Musicmatch Jukebox to my portable device, it asks me to download a plug in device and opens a website that lists other mp3 devices such as RCA, Phillips, etc. Off on the side, my Sandisk is one that it says doesn't need to be plugged, that Musicmatch Jukebox has built in support for, so I'm still stuck. Any more ideas?

I'm starting to think I need to get a new computer (this one is 6 years old). This is frustrating but I know everyone has experienced this.

Thanks, Papaya for your help, it took me a little closer. I'm almost there...

Open for any more ideas.

How current is Windows Media Player on your computer. Instead of using the musicmatch software use the Sync tabs in media player.

The version is, copyright 1992-2000. I did all my updates the other night. I can't see a Sync tab in Media Player.

The sandisk that I have I just open the "My Music" folder and drag and drop into the sandisk window. No special software needed. I'm using Windows XP.
Is your Sandisk window in Explorer as a drive (like a jump drive would look)? My sandisk doesn't show there at all, though I have a portable device icon in my taskbar. The only thing it says when I right click on it is "Unplug or Eject Hardware".

I have Windows ME.

I think I got it figured out. This time, I shut down my computer plugged in my device and then powered up. After powering up, it listed my portable device in Explorer. I was then able to transfer files to my mp3!!! Now I'm going to get busy!

Thanks for the help!

Jeanette, so glad to hear you perservered and are rocking and rolling :) The media capabilities that will be built into vista when it ships around holiday time next year will make all this stuff totally automagic and transparent :)
Vista, huh? You've got my interest here. I'll have to do a search and find out about it. This old dinosaur I'm working on may have to hold up for a while longer.

Actually the last Microsoft prediction was 2007 on the consumer version of Vista. They warned manufacturers that it would not be ready for Christmas. The next day Bill Gates and Steve Balmer reorganized the Windows division of Microsoft. I don't think Vista development is going too well.

The problem with buying a new system right now and saying you'll upgrade to Vista is that Microsoft hasn't issued a Hardware Compatability List.
There are some major upgrades coming to video, HDTV and the next generation DVD players (no one is even talking about the DVD recorders yet).

So if you decide to invest in a new computer, make sure it serves your needs now and the immediate future as you may not be able to upgrade and get the maximum benefits of the new operating system.

Glad you got the MP3 situation squared away.

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