Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 2/19-2/25/06


Hi everyone,

I decided to take an extra rest day on Monday so tomorrow I will start back exercising. I also have a doctors appointment in the afternoon. Tomorrow I will do Karen Voight Short Circuit workout. I am going to try and restart the circuit week with periodization.

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
I took my rest day on Sunday. I was still a bit tired today but made it all the way through Step heat and the abs at the end. It is a really fun "oldie." Here is my plan for the week:
Mon-Step Heat (done)
Tues-Pure Strength both upper body/plus abs
Weds-Imax 2, modified as needed
Thurs-Pure Strength Legs, standing and floor both (plus abs)
Sat-Cardiokicks (plus some abs)
Still doing the Body for Life rotation plan and this week I am increasing the intensity of the weight days. We'll see if I make it through...If I do, I 'm going to do the Gym Styles next!
Hi guys,
This is my first day totally headache and fever free since friday. Now sure why I got a fever. My body is obviously fighting off something.

Today I delivered project you to my sister and I had to go through it with her. I felt like an instructor correcting her form. It was fun. I didn't plan to workout today, but she put the dvd in and the 30 minute beginner workout took about 45 minutes.

I plan to do basic step tomorrow

Night all~Chris
I did make it through Pure Strength CST and BBA/abs. It takes about an hour. Wow, it is pretty intense done back to back like that. Hopefully I'll be up for IMAX 2 tomorrow. I think this will be my hard week and next week I will take it easier.
This morning was basic step. I'm still not up to par. Went to the doctor's today and was put on antibiotics. I will take it light for the next few days.
Hi everyone,

I didn't exercise yesterday but today I did Karen Voight Sleek Effect. This is more of a yoga workout. It felt really good just to that workout being in my condition. I went to the doctor yesterday and he confirmed that what I have is reflux so he gave me some medication to take for 30 days, 30 minutes before I eat breakfast and that should take it away. Chris, I hope you feel better also and hopefully we both will be back full swing at least by next week.

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
Chris and Kimberly, I hope you get back in the full swing of things soon. I know its frustrating to have to back off of your workouts. I can't wait for KV's new DVD's to hit Netflix. They sound great.
Today I did IMAX 1 instead of 2. I just hadn't done it for awhile and forgot how it was. The intervals are done mostly on the floor so it is easier. Also burned less calories!!!x( But I don't think I could have done anything harder today.
Tomorrow is the killer Pure Strength Legs. I'm already looking forward to my rest day after that!
Well, i caved and pre-ordered all the new CAthe DVD/s. Just too good of a deal to pass up. I can't remember what the original pre-sale price was-maybe 59.99? Anyway its a done deal now at 69.99. It seems like I can't predict which workouts I'm going to like, ones I think I would hate I end up loving, and vice versa. Like I hate High Step Training Advanced, but love High Step Challenge. And they are the same basic format. So I would never know which one I would love and which one I would hate until I just get them and do them!!!!
Hi Kim and Beth,
I decided to play it safe and not workout today. I agree that those Karen Voight workouts that Kim has does sound interesting. I was thinking of getting low impact circuit and muscle max. Ya gotta get more than one to justify the shipping.
Muscle Max is good but mostly upper body work. Very light on the lower body.
I did Pure Strength Legs today. I think it is the best legs workout Cathe has, even better than the new ones. I already could go heavier today than last week. It is a good strength builder. My legs feel really solid when I have to squat down onto the floor to pick up my now 24 pound puppy and then stand back up holding him. Good functional strength! Also i don't feel very sore or tired yet today which is a GOOD sign. It means tomorrow I will only be sore instead of in complete and utter agony. Tomorrow will be Pilates only (Denise Austen) plus stretching for my recovery day.
Well I skipped Denise Austen and decided I just wanted to do stretching. So I did all of Stretchmax. It works well to do each one in sequence, about an hour. Tomorrow I will do a shorter cardio so as to make time for the 22min Pilates.
Hope you all are doing well today. I skipped Pilates again. I am just not in the mood for it I guess! I did Step Max the whole hour. It is another fun oldie, especially combo 2. Tomorrow I'm going to tackle Gym Styles Chest and Triceps. I will have to skip some of the pushups but hope to get through the whole thing otherwise.

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