Beginner/Intermediate Check In - 2/5 to 2/11


Hey Ladies,
My exercise last week after my two weeks of sickness went okay. I did take one additional unscheduled rest day though. I didn't have any energy to get weights in, so this week I'm going to follow the timesaver from bodyblast. The cardio will vary, but the 5-day weight rotation will be as outlined in the program.

Elliptical 30 min.+ Timesaver Workout 1-Chest & Triceps+slim&limber stretch

Hope everyone is doing well today
Hi everyone,

I continuing on with my Lower Body Solution Rotation this week with today as a rest day for me. I am doing 5 days now because I think I will do better with 2 rest days per week.

Sun - Rest
Mon - GSL Timesaver #1 + Leslie 3 mile option 3
Tue - KPC (kick punch) + GS Back & Chest Timesaver
Wed - Rest
Thu - Lower Body Cardio Blast + GS Shoulders, Tri & Bi Timesaver
Fri - Fitprime Floor Burn
Sat - Karen Voight Firm & Burn Cardio

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
Hello all ! Here is my planner..

Mon- CoreMax,MuscleMax
Tue- The Firm Jiggle free abs, low impact step, Carb Solution for 20 minutes
Wed- Recover
Thur- Kickbox CTX,ab conditioning
Fri- High Step Circuit, Basic Step
Sat- Recover
Sun- Cardio Coach on bike or run, Core secrets Legs , glutes & abs

Hi Cassadine, glad you could join in. I'm in awe (sp?) of your cardio focus.

Kim-I was thinking this very same thing about the rest days. I know that I was recovering last week, but I felt so much better with the added rest day. Strange, huh? I did lose 2 pounds, but I'm also in a challenge on sparkpeople in no eating sugar. I did very well this week and I don't feel as bloated.
I'm in awe (sp?) of your cardio focus.

Welcome Cassadine! Chris, I was thinking the same thing!

About the 2 days rest day per week I had a long discussion with myself
:) I was thinking when I had my personal trainer about 8 years ago I did Step Aerobics at the Y 3 days a week then met my personal trainer in the weight room after that but 2 days a week for a one hour session. So that was a 5 hour workout week in only 3 days. I wasn't overtrained, I was very well rested, I watched what I ate, and the weight came off in 4 months. When I workout 6 days a week I feel as though my body is more tired, I am not getting proper rest and my concept is off. I am on the right track though Cathe is just like a personal trainer to me. I just need to find the right balance for my body.

---Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
I'm still trying to find the right balance after years of exercise..oh well, just take it day by day! Today is a rest day completely-not even walking or stretching. I just need to let my body be STILL for one day! I have no idea what this week will bring...
I did the Bootcamp upper body and core today. The core also works your UB a lot with the planks. It was mainly endurance more than a strength workout. I think tomorrow I will do the cardio and LB premix. That way I will have done the whole workout in 2days.
I have a change to my program. I forgot I said that I was going to do pyramids on another board, so tonight was Pyramids Upper Body. I skipped chest and triceps cause I worked them yesterday with workout 1 from timesaver. We're supposed to do it UBP again on wed or thursday. Tomorrow will be some type of cardio.

Beth-I don't have bootcamp. I looked at the previews and it looks intense.

Hi everyone,

This morning I did GSL Timesaver #1 (32 min) and this evening since I got Karen Voight Burn & Firm I just did the Cardio section which was 24 minutes. I really like that one and it gives a good break also from Step. I'm really trying to vary my cardio.

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
Kim, I'm trying to vary my cardio selections too. I've come to the conclusion that I have lots of step workouts. The only floor stuff I have is KPC and turbo jam. I think I like kickboxing cause it gives me a good workout without too much foot movement. I don't like doing pivots and such cause I have carpet. I also don't like jumping cause I live in an apartment.

This mornings workout was turbo jam remix live. I'm thinking I may do something else this evening lower body related. Thus far I don't have DOMS in the shoulder and back like I thought I would from doing pyramids. Maybe I wasn't lifting heavy enough for back this whole time. Food for thought. Cathe's facial expressions cracked me up cause she was struggling with biceps work big time. The whole crew was actually. I'm still tight in the chest and triceps from monday's workout. Wondering if I should push through with doing UBP tomorrow as scheduled or rest another day.

Hope everyone is doing well.
I think I'm going back to doing only cardio or only weights on a given day rather than trying to mix both. Like the Body for Life roatation. Tomorrow will be cardio. I think I'll do Cardiokicks. I haven't done that one in ages because I only have it on VHS. I previewed it a few weeks ago in anticipation of my kickbox rotation but never got around to doing it! So tomorrow is the day...
Hi everyone,

I switched my rest day for today instead of tomorrow. I got a copy of Karen Voights new workouts that will be out in an infomercial soon. I got it from a friend at work whose friend is going to be in her infomercial. Her friend had to use the program to what results she would get. It's called "Karen Voight Sleek Essentials" and it's going to feature 3 DVD's 1)Sweat Effect 2) Strength Effect and 3) Sleek Effect. I have viewed all of these and they are excellent especially the Sweat Effect which is about 45-55 min. with twisting and punching, bob & weave, lunge & lift, jump & kick, butt & thighs, abs & stretch. (watch out Turbo Jam) I am doing this one tomorrow morning. Strength Effect is weights with one short cardio blast after the warmup. Karen moves are so unique! It's been a long time since I had JUST floor aerobics besides Cathe's KPC. The only gadget she has is a Blue Foam Roller which is used in this new series. I think Karen's new workouts are more intermediate/advanced level. Her cueing is excellent and I really can't think of anything negative about the new workouts. You know I just got my first 2 Karen Voight DVD's yesterday. Overall I think these will be great workouts!!! :)

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
Hi everyone,

Well this morning I did Karen Voight "Sweat Effect" and this was to me a very, very, very good workout. I forgot how hard it is to lift your legs with your own body weight :eek: Excellent lower body workout too. I was sweating and I still had the fan going! Since this is a demo DVD I am wondering how it will be chaptered? Tomorrow I am going to do "Strength Effect".

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
Hmm, I just got my tax refund and Kim is raving about this new workout. I think its a sign for me to investigate karen voight. See how easy I can justify a purchase. :7

Rest day today, absolutely no workouts.
Hi everyone,

This morning I did Karen Voight "Strength Effect"!! This workout is 50 minutes long the same length as "Sweat Effect. After the warmup there is a 7 minutes Cardio Blast then she starts with the weight work. I like this one too because this workout is used with light weights 3 to 5 pounds and heavy weight 5 to 8 pounds. This workout is light weight with fast reps. I guess I was really anxious to do this workout this morning! I asked my co-worker if she knew when these workouts would be available she said she was going to ask her friend. She said her friend really lost a lot of weight just using the 3 workouts and following Karen's program.

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah:
Karen is surprisingly intense. I remember her original weight workout, the "Great Weighted Workout" (still available and also on Netflix) that used only 3-5 pound weights and 2 pound ankle weights. Jeesh!!!It made me so sore. She has excellent music and set lighting too on her newer stuff.
Yesterday I did Cardiokicks and loved it! Its been way too long since I did that one. The first half is a kickbox routine that is built in layers like her step routines, then you do the whole thing at the end of the half. The second half is drills which are great. They keep your heart rate up while you work on your kicking and punching form. Unlike Kickmax, in which the leg conditioning drills are not cardio at all. I burned a lot of calories on it.
Today was lower body, so I eased into it with the Basic Step lower body add-on and stability ball abs. I feel it in my hamstrings tonight and my quads are still shaking. I haven't done much weight work in the last 2 weeks and I really need to build my strength back up. (I did use my 18 pound Body Bar instead of the 3 pound weights however.) So far I do like splitting up cardio, lower, and upper into separate days until I get stronger. My DH is STILL SICK (going on 3 weeks and 1 day now) so I am fortunate I was only under the weather for about 5 days.
no workout for me today. I'm nursing a pulled muscle.

Beth-I just got great weighted workout through netflix. She does moves that I haven't seen before. Curious to see how I feel after doing this one, but it will have to wait till next week. Well, I'm hoping that I can get back to business next week.
I was VERY sore today after doing the legs add-on. So instead of stepping I went power walking (less work on the quads) for 55 minutes for my cardio day. I'm looking forward to just upper body and abs tomorrow! I think I will use the other add-on from Basic Step. Then next week start with gym styles or pure strength. I have planned upper, cardio, lower, cardio, upper, cardio, lower, cardio, etc. I will do abs on the strength days.
Hi everyone,

Yesterday I did Karen Voight Burn & Firm Cardio. I didn't exercise this morning because me and my fiance' took my car to the shop to get some work done but I had to leave it until Monday. Then we went shopping and he bought me a Leather Coat for Valentines, we had lunch and went to a matinee movie. I haven't had a day like that in a while. I am working on a new rotation which I will exercise tomorrow.

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
Today I did the Upper Body add-on from Basic Step and then Karen Voight's Abs and Back for my core work. Its good, but I don't think its 43 minutes of work. In other words, I think I could get the same workout in 20 instead of 40 minutes.
Becuase I'm doing this interesting Body for Life rotation where you do something different every day I don't think I will need a rest day tomorrow. I think I will take my rest day after a hard legs workout. I'll alternate a hard legs with an easy legs on my rotation (legs are done every 5 days) so i hopefully will only need a rest day every 10 days. Cardio tomorrow-maybe Leslie walk and jog.

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