How have you been injured

I have had two injuries in the last year. First I bent over into a file cabinet and my back went out. Of course, that probably didn't do it, it had probably been coming on for awhile. I used to have some hip pain when I did my Nordic track and just ignored it. Anyway my back was bad and I couldn't exercise for about a month. Then I fell off a motorcycle and injured my shoulder! luckily that was just bruised and sore and it took about a month to heal. I started back to a normal exercise rountine, sprints, step, weights and my back went out again!
Now a month past that I am just starting to walk/jog and do weights again. I am being cautious. Don't know when I will get up the nerve to try sprints or step. I am trying to do lots of stretches and some pilates (sometimes my back won't let me do pilates it is so weak) and am going to try yoga.

I am beginning to realize what they mean when they say "getting old isn't for sissies!"

Um 9 car accidents...honestly never hit anyone in those 9 accidents, but resulted in 2 herniated discs in my neck

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Plantar Fasciitis

That's about it as an adult :)

I am currently injured with a severe medial collateral sprain of my right knee.

It happened as I fell down black ice covered steps on my way to work on march 2. It is soooooo hard to look into my den and see my elliptical, step, exercise ball, etc and not be able to use any of it. It is an event to bring my leg down off of the couch. The only good thing is that xray shows I didn't have any fractures,broken bones, or arthrites(sp?) My understanding is that I'm looking at weeks of down time.
I have had two major injuries and both were done while playing sports. The first was almost 20 years ago, I was playing volleyball, jumped to get the ball and landed wrong. I figured I would be fine and went to sit out a few minutes. The next morning I couldn't put my toes on the ground it hurt so bad. So I called mom (yes we lived in the same town at that time) and she took me to the doctor. They said I should see an ortho surgeon but couldn't get in for a few days and they put me in one of those casts from hip to ankle. Very uncomfortable. Went to ortho surgeon and I hurt the cartilage in my knee. It is suppose to be straight and mine is at about a 45 degree angle. He said as long as I could walk he didn't want to do surgery. He said that I could get on the bike for 10-15 minutes, or as long as I could take it after the swelling went down.

The second major injury was playing softball and I rounded second base and went down. It was during practice and I was just going to go home but one of my friends boyfriend at the time said no we are taking you to emergency. He was catching and said he heard a pop. I didn't hear but. So we went and the doc said I would have been better off if I broke it, I had severely sprained the ankle that a break would have been better. So I was to stay off of it, I did for a day and then I slowly started hobbling around. It was nice, the only time I could wear tenni shoes at work and not get wrote up for it. Where I worked at the time had a very strict dress policy. So I was again laid up for a little while.

Those are my stories.
i had runner's knee and if felt like pressure on the knees and it became painful b/c i didn't take care of it right away and kept working out. it took a few months to start doing higher impact workouts again but i kept up my yoga and weight workouts, just was very very very careful with squats and lunges.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
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