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  1. F

    Who is next??? What month are your beautiful babies due??

    RE: Who is next??? What month are your beautiful babies... My third baby is due July 12th!!!
  2. F

    Slow and Heavy Series ?

    It's excellent!! I've actually got my husband doing the Series. He could tell that I was improving and building muscle and he finally decided to do something. Now, we are working out together! A very worthwhile series! I think you'll like it if you get it!
  3. F

    OMGosh! Salmon story!!! So grossed out!

    Think about pigs! Pork is parasite heaven whether you see them or not. Even if the meat is cooked the parasites are there! That's one of the reasons pork is forbidden in this household. It will NEVER willingly go into this mouth. God's point in creating them is to clean up the garbage...
  4. F

    Slow & Heavy Series

    I noticed this too but I've never paused and added another set but I think I will next time. Good idea! Honestly, I often thought I probably did 3 sets and was just confused. LOL! This series is addicting to me. I could do it all the time. I LOVE IT!
  5. F

    Olive or Enova Oil? What's the best for health?

    Don't be afraid of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. It's goooood for you (in moderation of course)! Cook with it or use it on your salads! I don't know what Enova Oil is.... can't help you there. Sorry! Also, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is excellent for you too! However, be sure it's called Extra...
  6. F

    So, what's wrong with the egg yolk?

    I'm with you 100% on this one!! I've been taught that the egg is a perfect food and had to wonder why people think like they do. Thanks for responding with some great information!
  7. F

    So, what's wrong with the egg yolk?

    So many bodybuilders and those in fitness avoid the egg yolks and just consume the egg whites. Why? What's the problem with the yolk?
  8. F

    Calcium and fat burning - interesting article

    I thought this was an interesting topic! >"these researchere explained that animal protein, unlike plant >protein, increases the acid load in the body. An increased >acid load means that our blood and tissues become more acidic. I would encourage you to check this out and let me know...
  9. F

    DOMS Party, and you all are invited....

    Very little DOMS here today! I just wanted to say that I always love your posts and you keep things very interesting around here. LOL Nice to have people like you around!!! Keep up the good work!:D
  10. F

    My Pictures (Maybe)

    How often did you put Slow and Heavy into your workout rotations?
  11. F

    My Pictures (Maybe)

    You look great!!!! You've been working hard and it shows!! Way to go!
  12. F

    best way to form a habit?

    Follow a ROTATION!!! I am a person that needs a plan to follow! When I first found Cathe I never knew of rotations and all the various workouts that were available. Some may laugh, but, all I knew to do was some aerobics by Denise Austin AND to do the workout over and over is sooooooo...
  13. F

    Joey is here!!!!!

    Fantastic!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. F

    Who stays away from sugar?

    Northeast Indiana - 1 hour east of South Bend, IN. We are in Amish country!!!! Shipshewana, IN (tourist town) There are horses and buggies going past our place all the time. Actually, I married an ex-Amish man! My in-laws are Amish yet! I'm doing good today too! No sugar except from fruit...
  15. F

    How I eat Fish

    Oh man! I love Salmon! What kind of Salmon was it? It makes a big difference whether it is Atlantic or Pacific. YOU WANT THE PACIFIC SALMON - Sockeye or King! We have just recently quit selling the Alaskan Sockeye Salmon and Bison meat at a farmer's market and people just raved about...
  16. F

    Who stays away from sugar?

    dananmis22, I'm with ya on this one! Let's do this together! I also told my husband that starting today, no more sugar for a month! He needs to hold me accountable, but if I can have someone to help me here...that's even better! For me it's the cookies that I've baked for the "family"...
  17. F

    Who stays away from sugar?

    I am starting today too! I always use only maple syrup, honey, organic evaporated cane juice, or Stevia. Good things (in moderation), but, I'd like to completely avoid it just to see how it makes me feel! Please do stay away from the artificial sweetener(bad stuff) and use Stevia if you...
  18. F

    Are you a Phlegm Femme?

    It used to be like that often for me in the mornings and still is occasionally. I really believe it's the body's way of getting rid of junk/toxins in the body. Just a little house cleaning.....that's all. It's a good thing!!!
  19. F

    Are you a Phlegm Femme?

    Oops....mistake here
  20. F

    Who stays away from sugar?

    I'm thinking I want to give myself a challenge to avoid sugar for about a month and see what difference it makes and how much better I feel, however,I'm not referring to fruit or sugar naturally found in foods. How many here avoid sugar?